Are you somewhere feeling lonely, even though he's right beside you? (1/3)

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Based on this prompt :

A Brocedes fic/ficlet where it's Nico who had amnesia, but instead of forgetting the last few yrs, he forgot Lewis altogether. Others thought it's just him getting tired of being constantly ignored, but when asked how his relationship with LH was, he's genuinely confused and asked, 'who's that?'

P.S U can make Nico have a happy ever after with another, JB perhaps? 👀

P.P.S Just want to see what LH's reaction would be when it's his turn to be denied, forgotten even, but this time it's permanent (or semi-permanent) choice is yours. 🤗

It had been a couple of months since Nico had come out of the hospital, mostly recovered.

They said he's been in a coma for a week in there , but of course he doesn't know that.

He can't really remember how he got into the hospital, only that there was some kind of accident with his car.

He does remember waking up to Jenson Button sitting next to his bed, holding his hand.

At first he was still quite out of it. Didn't know why Jenson was holding his hand.

At least he still knew his name and who he was, or it would have been even more awkward.

Jenson, of course, had panicked quite a bit when Nico had flinched away when he tried to cup his cheek.

The doctor had assured him that temporary amnesia was normal for people who've been in a coma. They still took him away to run some tests.

Turned out that Nico had gaps in his mind of things he couldn't remember. Things that were gone out of his memories. Would those memories ever come back? No one really knew.

However, the way Jenson cared about him and did everything he could for him would make Nico fall in love with him all over again.

But he did, eventually, remember his relationship with Jenson and they were happily together once more.

Miraculously they'd been able to keep their private life out of the media since Nico's accident, but now Sky sports was asking for an interview with their former reporter.

Nico had quit his job. Or rather a temporary leave. He wasn't sure if he was ever really going to go back though.

Jenson was still working for Sky and had told his employer that the only way they were getting this interview was if he could be there as well.

He just wanted to be there if Nico needed some help with his memory. He didn't tell Sky that though.

Nico said yes to the interview, if only because he knew he wasn't going to get out of it. And having Jenson there was a big plus.

The interview had been going pretty well, Jenson didn't have to help with the answers all that much at all, but then this weird question came - - -

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