۰26۰ Wish/ خواہش

Start from the beginning

Ifrah rolled her eyes and said

"I don't want to be rude or disrespectful. Tell me the truth why you're here?"

She tapped her finger on the table as if to emphasize her point. Ghazal quit her act and decided to handle the situation head on

"I know you like Ahad. Don't even bother denying it. If you help me, you might have him all to yourself."

A surprise laugh was pulled out from Ifrah's chest as she heard the woman spout nonsense at her.

"Is this some soap opera? It's utter nonsense."

"Not when you can get what you want."
Ghazal fired back almost immediately. Closing her eyes, Ifrah, let out a sigh.

"He's married. You really disrespected my honour by insinuating I help you with this."

Pulling out some cash, she threw it on the table and stood up to leave when Ghazal's next words paused her movements.

"She's a gold digger. Her Uncle is trying to rob Ahad off his money and taking everything he has. She's helping him."

Ifrah never liked Sahar. Not even when she was engaged to Zaviyar. She hated her guts and still do. And what they say about hate...it runs deeper than blood. Turning around to face the woman sitting before her, she only stared. Tight-lipped, not moving, just looking at the woman before her.

Ghazal too put some cash on the table and stood up. Putting a maternal hand on Ifrah's shoulder, she patted her lovingly and said

"If you're wise, you'll know what to decide."

Passing one last smile to her, she walked out while putting sunglasses over her eyes. Ifrah, felt like smashing something. She felt angry and used and above all, she was contemplated. She was confused. Calling her driver, she stormed off the hotel, her appetite was long gone and she needed to bury her mind with something else. Calling her secretary, she ordered to have all the files from the past ten years on her table.

That would take her mind off things she didn't want to think about.

The day was finally over and Sahar was glad to have found time for herself after her shift. She texted Ahad a minute ago that she has gotten off work and he replied that he'll be there in twenty. Pulling out her phone's camera, she saw how her face looked so tired and skin so dull. A frown adorned her features and she pulled out some lipstick from her bag. Applying a very thin coat on her lips and dabbing the residue of it on her cheeks, she ran a hand through her hair to look a bit more presentable for Ahad.

What! NO!

She didn't do that to look presentable for him. Nope, never, ever. She only did that because......she thought long and hard and just concluded that she can do whatever the hell she wants. Keeping her stuff back in her bag, she decided to wait at the entrance. She walked there and stood at the corner waiting for him. However, she heard footsteps behind her before a figure settled next to her. Craning her neck, she found Dr. Sameer standing only a few inches away from her. She took two steps sideways and created some distance between them.

"Why are you standing here? Should I drop you home?"

At his offer, only then she noticed that he was all ready to go home too. She heard him clearing his throat, so she quickly snapped out of her mind and politely declined his offer

"No, I'm just waiting for....my husband. He'll pick me up."

She was a bit skeptical saying that to him, but nonetheless, it was the truth and she'd be lying if she didn't feel a tinge of relief bloom in her chest. His jaw worked as he nodded his head at her. Both stood in silence and she wonder why wasn't he just leaving. He had his own car.

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