greedy p2.- matthew sturniolo

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🎧 greedy • tate mcrae 🎧

then i got a text.

matthew sturniolo 🎨

matthew sturniolo 🎨:
hey, it's matt.

hey matt. what's up?

matthew sturniolo 🎨:
ntm just saving your number.

ohh okay. do you maybe wanna hang out tmr?

matthew sturniolo 🎨:
yeah sure, what time?


matthew sturniolo 🎨:
alr. see you tmr, goodnight.

goodnight matt.

i giggled a bit while walking up the stairs. i actually think i like him. i hope he actually likes me too. i got to my bedroom door, opening it. i closed it behind me, setting my phone down on my bed and walking over to my vanity. i sat down and took off my bracelets and earrings. i took a shower and went to sleep.

• Matt's POV •

i just met her. i don't believe in love at first sight. i was definitely interested. she was sweet, gorgeous, and she seemed shy. i walked over to nick. "nick it's like-," i check my phone. "nick it's 1:36 am. why do you have the camera." i groaned. "matt it's thursday, we need to go film a video." nick replied grabbing his things. "fine." i grab my keys and my wallet, following chris and nick out to the garage.

we eventually found an empty parking lot, parking and finishing adjusting the camera. "matt go check the camera" nick said looking down at his phone. i got out of the car checking the camera quickly before doing the intro. "hi guys, so we don't really have a topic for this weeks car video, so that's just amazing!" nick said sarcastically. "i love s'mores." chris blurted out. "i know you do, you fuckin', made a mess of madi's airbnb with your chocolate mess earlier." nick snapped back. i sat there giggling a bit, rubbing my eyes. i seemed to have some out. "don't you agree matt?" nick said tapping me. "huh? oh yeah i fully agree." i had no idea what he was saying. "how the fuck do you agree that giraffes have a blue tongue and not purple." nick exclaimed. "i'm gonna be so honest with you right now, i wasn't listening to a fucking thing you just said."

we eventually finished filming the video and started heading home. when we got home i went right to bed.

• y/n's pov •

i woke up to my 11am alarm. i didn't have much to do today. i was going to hangout with madi and the boys again today. i got up, deciding to take a shower.
i finished up and while waiting for my hair to dry, i grabbed a pair of jeans and an oversized tee. i threw it on, the t-shirt hanging off one of my shoulders, my bra strap hanging out. i sat down at my vanity. i didn't wanna do too much makeup today. i put on some concealer, mascara, highlighter and lipgloss. i styled my hair for today and walked downstairs. i checked my phone.

1:57 pm.

i hummed as i walked to the fridge, grabbing some ingredients for a turkey sandwich. i assembled my sandwich, and grabbed a dr pepper out of the fridge. i sat down on my couch, turning on the tv. i ate my sandwich while putting on the news. it looked kind of cloudy outside today.

"we're expecting a full rain shower around 4pm today. expect to see rain, hail, and quite a bit of wind." she said pointing at her weather board. "shit." i said out loud. i was hanging out with matt today, i had a bunch of crap on my patio too. i ran outside, checking my apple watch.

2:28 pm.

i still had a bit of time. i covered my outdoor furniture with a tarp, while bringing in my dogs toys, and other things like my bike. i brought it all in and sighed. i checked my phone, and madi texted me. "you coming over?" i checked the time.

4:17 pm.

"fuck" i said grabbing my purse and keys. i ran out to my car, starting it quickly. there was so much traffic. my eta said i would arrive in about 45 minutes. i sighed turning on the radio, looking for a good song. i decided on nothing so i hooked up my phone to the aux, turning on my playlist.

time skip.

i pulled into the rain drenched driveway, parking my car beside a mini van. i opened my door and sighed looking at the amount of rain. i grabbed my bag and quickly ran over to the front door, knocking aggressively. madi answered.

"hii mad-dog." i said coming inside quickly before i got anymore wet. "heyy y/n" she said as she hugged me quickly. i took off my wet jacket setting it down on the bench next to the door. "are the guys here yet?" i ask curiously, already knowing the answr. "yeah their in the living room, we're playing mario kart. i'm winning, chris is trying." i nodded and giggled walking to the living room.

i met his eyes again. he was like a walking angel. it was hard to describe. he was so-.. well, when i get the word i'll let you know.

"hi again guys" i smiled. "helloo" nick said looking up from his phone. "hey" matt said looking up from the tv, in which chris was playing mario kart. "hi" chris grumbled. "ooooh, you guys are playing mario kart?" i asked sitting down near matt. "yeah, i'm beating chris's ass." madi said sitting down. "i see" i said leaning back rubbing my eyes. "you can be tired already y/n?" nick said. "i didn't get much sleep but i'll be fine." i smiled at him. he returned the smile.

it had been 2 hours at madi's house. i was starting to drift off, i didn't notice that i was falling asleep on matt's shoulder. it felt like i knew him for years. i don't know why we had a spark. we just did.

then i felt his hand on my cheek.


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