baby fever. - matthew sturniolo.

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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING!! miscarriage, depression, anxiety, and ed. if you cannot handle this i do not recommend this story on any level. ⚠️

it was around 4am when i woke up to stabbing pains in my stomach. i put my hands over my left side and took a gasp for air. "what the fuck.." i breathe. i hear matt waking up as he turns on our lamp. i'm five months pregnant. i was told we would have alot of issues during this pregnancy but i didn't expect to loose the baby.

matt quickly got up. "are you okay?" he asked looking very confused. i held my hands over my stomach, scrunching my eyes very tightly as another pain waved through my stomach. "somethings wrong" i manage to get out without screaming. he gets out of bed quickly. "i'm getting nick" he says as i get up. i look down seeing a puddle of blood. "no no no no no.." i whisper, knowing i had lost the baby already. he came up behind me and saw i was sobbing lightly. he looked at the blood and then to me. i saw his gaze soften looking at me. i fell to the ground. "this can't be happening." i panted. he sat down with me. "breathe. it's all gonna be fine." i had one hand over my mouth, muffling my loud sobs. the other held my stomach. matt got up running to nicks bedroom. i sat there on the floor in shock for a minute before nick rushed in, matt behind him.

nick looked shocked. i was on the floor, sobbing, with a puddle of blood in our bed. nick rushed over immediately while matt started changing the sheets. "breath y/n, just breathe i'm right here." he said rubbing my back. i panted, taking my hands off my mouth and stomach. i wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shirt. i heard him trying not to cry as well. "i didn't think.." he rubbed my back as i cried into his shirt. "i know." he sighed. matt walked back in with new sheets and put them on quickly. nick got up, running to the bathroom to grab towels. matt sat down beside me. "i'm right here y/n." he said brushing the hair out of my sweaty face. it seemed to go on for hours. the pain, the crying, nick freaking out, chris running in after i screamed. it was all some kind of massive nightmare. "i think we should go to a hospital." i heard chris say panicked. matt nodded. nick and matt lifted me up as chris grabbed water and ice for me. i sat in the car in a pile of towels so blood didn't get all over the car. i felt so bad. all three of these boys are rushing me to the hospital at 5 in the morning. nicks in the back with my holding my hand. chris is freaking out silently in the passenger seat and matt's trying not to cry in the front seat.

we arrive at a hospital and i get admitted. last thing i remember was laying in bed before i blacked out. i woke up hours later. matt was holding my hand. the pain seemed to be way lower now. i looked around. "oh my god." matt breathed. "what the fuck-.." i looked around confused. "what happened matt?" i asked catching my breath. "you had a miscarriage." matt said, shaking. "oh my god.." i panted as i sat up. "what time is it?" i said trying not to cry. "10:22." he said looking up at me. i saw matt's parents in the waiting room. "is that your mom and dad?" i asked matt. he nodded. "let them in please." i frowned. matt got up, gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. i saw marylou's face frowning as she got up. they both looked like they had been sobbing. i burst into tears seeing my mother in laws red face. and jimmy standing there trying to be strong for marylou. i felt defeated. marylou grabbed my hand sitting down. i just cried. matt had went to the bathroom, his eyes completely swollen.

• Matt's POV •

i rushed into the bathroom. i couldn't stand seeing her like this. i couldn't help but think it was my fault. i cried as i splashed water on my face. was it not the right time for a baby? i thought to myself. i rubbed my eyes as i looked up at the mirror. "stay strong for her." i said wiping my eyes. i walked out of the room. i saw my dad and he pulled me out of the room. "what happened matthew?" i heard him say concerned. "i-.. i don't know." i said, not remembering much. "i woke up and she was crying. she got up and there was a puddle of blood.. then chris and nick were in the room-.." my dad cut me off. "just calm down it's okay. she's still here she's okay. you can tell me when your feeling better." i nodded. my mom came out. i watched her face turn very red. she looked very upset. "she wants you." my mom said looking up at me. i hugged my mom and my dad before walking in.

• Y/n's POV •

i watched matt walk in. i was so weak. it was hard to move around. i was in denial. this had to be a nightmare. he sat down holding my hand. i smiled. as i drifted to sleep.

it's been two weeks since i lost the baby. i feel so empty. i feel like i broke matt, nick and chris. they all have been waiting on me hand and foot. i feel so bad. i finally was able to get up on my own today. i walked downstairs as the boys sat on the couch. "hi guys." i said drained. matt got up. "hi honey. i would've helped you get up. i thought you were still asleep." he looked upset. "it's okay. i feel better for the most part." i tried smiling. chris and nick smiled up at me. "glad to see you up!" nick said, praising me. it made me smile. chris agreed and i already felt better. i walked over and sat down with matt. he held me close and rubbed my back. chris and nick kept checking on me making sure i didn't need anything.

i had fallen asleep on the couch when i woke up to the doorbell. it was my parents at the door. matt got up answering it confused. "oh- i-uh.." matt said looking at me confused. "who is it matt?" i asked rubbing my eyes. "it's your parents-.." he called back. i shot up. i immediately walked as fast as i could over to matt. "mom- dad?" i said looking at them. "come in-." i said matt and i moving out of the way. my mom set down her purse immediately hugging me. "i'm sorry sweetheart." she said frowning. i nodded and looked at my dad. he looked very sad. he hugged me for a minute. "oh my little girl." he said kissing my forehead. i frowned. matt came over holding me from my side as my parents backed up.

"hello mr y/l/n" he shook my fathers hand. "nice to see you mrs y/l/n." he hugged her. they both said hello as nick and chris walked over. "oh hey mr and mrs y/l/n!" i heard them say happily. the boys loved my parents. they all hugged as we went to sit down. my mom asked me a bunch of questions and i answered them all. matt talked to my dad, chris and nick occasionally conversing with him too. "are you hungry?" my mom asked. "honestly mom, i lost my appetite the last few days." matt looked over. "she hasn't eaten in four days." he said looking at me worried. my mom and dad both frowned. "i guess i'm cooking then!" my mom clapped her hands getting up. i smiled at matt then my mom.

my dad and matt went outside and talked while nick was helping my mom. matt had told chris to make sure i didn't do too much. chris took it very seriously and became my personal bodyguard. after dinner was ready matt came inside helping my mom set the table. we all sat down and ate. i didn't eat too much, just enough so my parents didn't worry.

my parents had left and i was getting tired. matt and i walked upstairs. "i'm gonna take a shower, need anything?" he asked holding his palm on my cheek. "no i'm okay." i lied. he nodded then went to take a shower. not long after i was having an anxiety attack. i was curled up in bed, sobbing. i felt like i didn't deserve love. i felt like i was a burden to everyone around me. matt came out of the shower and looked at me confused. he walked over sitting down next to me. "what's wrong y/n?" he asked looking at me concerned. "i-.. i don't deserve you. or your brothers. i'm a huge burden and an emotional mess-.." i was cut off by matt giving me a kiss and his palm on my cheek, his thumb rubbing my cheek. "you are not a burden. my brothers and i are lucky to have you." he smiled. "i'm a mess matt.. can't you see?" he smiled. "then i guess your my mess." he kissed my forehead. i stopped crying as he gave me a reassuring hug.

i'm so lucky to have these boys in my life.

dear god that was long. anyway i really hope you guys are enjoying these. again dm me some requests and i'll use them! i'm always looking for ideas. i usually take my fantasy boyfriend imagines and put them into words. this was just one of them.


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