Chapter 1: Sunny Day

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A month ago

Ani scuffed the grass on the sidewalk as her sister pedaled away on her bike towards school.

"Why do we have one bike? Always sharing..." Pausing, she smirked and whispered, "I hope you trip on that bike."

Moments later, rain began pouring out. Prompting Ani to open her umbrella. Then, Kaya's bike skidded on a pebble, teetering towards a slope. Ani closed her eyes, and braced herself for the worst. Upon reopening them, the sun shone brightly once more. Puzzled, she searched for Kaya but found no sign of her. The umbrella in her hand was dry.

"Kaya?!" she thought, puzzled. "It was definitely raining; otherwise, I wouldn't have needed my umbrella."

Ani dashed into the street, scanning for Kaya along the roadside. Suddenly, a bell chimed, and she spun around to see her sister cycling toward her.

"Crazy girl! Why are you in the middle of the road? Want to get hit? Scram!" Kaya shouted.

Ani stepped back, taken aback by Kaya's fury as if she had committed a grave offense. "Okay, chill... sis. Just be careful, okay?" Kaya ignored her and she kept speaking to her as she gets away. "Watch where you're going! See you later!" She called out, wondering if Kaya was just having a bad day.

In class, Ani took her usual seat by the window and awaited her friend's arrival. Few minuted later, a hand covered her eyes. "Sophia, is that you?" She guessed.

Sophia withdrew her hands, cupping Ani's face and pinching her cheeks. "How'd you know it was me, huh, cutie?"

"Ugh, who calls their friend 'cutie'? Your unnecessarily soft hands always smell like onions," Ani complained after pushing Sophia's hands away.

"Hey! You're great at giving compliments and insults all at once," Sophia retorted, moving to her seat.

"I'm just being honest, which is why you like hanging out with me," Ani boasted, tossing her hair.

"Please, you were the one who wanted to be friends. You said you were all alone." Sophia countered with an eye roll.

They exchanged glances and burst into laughter. Just then, a new student walked into the classroom, seemingly bathed in an aura of night flowers and night sky.

"Oh my gosh? He's out of this world but already in my heart. Argh! Cupid has struck me through." Sophia acted like she's fainting. Ani catches her back but she does not respond to any of Sophia's remarks. So, she turns to look at her quiet friend. Sophia closed Ani's jaw. "Ok, I give way. You can have him, girl. Just leave my Kevin to me."

Ani grinned. "Of course, Kevin is so into you. Wait... What do you mean by 'give way'? Hey! We just saw that guy. Though he feels awkwardly familiar," Ani reasoned.

"Yeah, yeah, say what you want. But with that look on your face, you totally fell for him," Sophia was in mid-sentence when Kevin entered their room. "Kevin?" She prepared herself and tried to smile at him, but he went to Ani's side.

"Girls, are you going to have lunch with me?" Kevin nudged Ani.

Sophia was irked. "As if you'd want me to tag along," she said, turning away from them.

"You're practically Ani's shadow, so even if you're uninvited, guess what? You're there, right beside her. No surprise there, I must say," Kevin replied, teasing her.

"Yes, and you're second to me. We're closer than you'll ever be," Sophie retorted, making a face.

"Really? How about this?" Kevin moved a little closer to Ani. While Ani was looking at the new guy, he suddenly turned his face towards her. At that moment, she turned her head, only to find Kevin's face up close. Time seemed to pause for Kevin. Sophia's bright expression towards Kevin dimmed when she witnessed this. Slowly, she observed Ani's reaction.

However, Ani, with adrenaline rushing to her head, shouted at the top of her lungs and pushed Kevin.


A teacher nearby rushed in, followed by other staff.

"Tell me! Why? What happened? Who screamed?" Asked the confused, angry, and worried looking teacher.

"Sir Dan, it was Ani! She pushed that poor guy to the floor." A girl in the class responded.

"Yes, Ani did! But she was just as shocked, Sir Dan! She was saving Kevin from the flying cockroach," Sophia interjected in defense.

"Well, I wasn't aware we had such a hero who can cause commotion throughout the school. I assume... Kevin?" Kevin nodded as he got to his feet. "Alright, Kevin is safe now, and the cockroach has been deafened. Ani and Sophia, please step out into the hall." Instructed Teacher Dan as he turned his back from them.

"They're already embarrassed!... Sir. She surely regrets making you run up to here for such a petty reason. However, Ani must have been shocked by how big of a cockroach she saw closely on her face." Kevin looked at him as the guy was speaking. The new guy slightly tilted his head towards them. "Am I correct Ani?" He turned to her.

Ani, taken aback, glanced at the new guy and nodded.

"A hero and her advocate. You're the new student, correct?" The teacher moved to the center of the class and regarded Ani. "Do you two know each other?" he probed.

Ani was about to shake her head and deny it when the new student cut her off. "We don't. But I am aware of our rights, Sir Dan. It's an honor to meet you, sir. I look forward to being in your care." Some staff members whistled as they left, others frowned, and a few smirked. The new student rose, approached the teacher, and offered a handshake. Teacher Dan reciprocated, and they shook hands. The student then returned to his seat, leaving the teacher looking as if he'd seen something unsettling.

"Class, let's be more cautious next time. Cockroaches can be get rid with right tools, not with our voices. We agreed then, right class?"

The class collectively affirmed, "Yes, sir!" The teacher took a few steps toward the exit, paused, and cast a discreet glance at the new student.

"See you later, class." He then hurried out the door.

Life in the classroom resumed as if the incident never occurred. "Did he imply I was the cockroach?" Kevin mused.

Everyone returned to what they were doing as if nothing happened. "Did he say I was the cockroach?" Kevin wondered.

Ani whispered, "There's something strange about that handsome enigma. Did he do something to Sir Dan that made him turn pale after shaking hands?"

"And he even stood up for you, girl!" Sophia added.

As they were talking Ani heard a buzz, she looked out the window and saw a cockroach as the sun glared at them, and she smiled.


I'm just a 17-year-old girl. Never looked at any boy like how I am drawn to that new kid sitting across from me. The sun agrees with me that this will be the best school year I've ever had. Except for some things, how could he address me and look at me like he knew me for eternity? How did Kaya and the rain stop from falling? I will make the new guy my friend and what happened today unveil their mysteries.

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