~Bhogii ~

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Double update✨

Isha's POV

Mom's scream barely pierced through the fog of sleep. "Ishuuu, get up!" She followed it with a gentle shake, muttering, "Ishu kanna levu beta," which means 'wake up, darling daughter.'

"Mumma, five minutes. Please, five more," I mumbled, burrowing deeper into the warmth of my duvet. Bhogi, the first day of the harvest festival, was a big deal, but sleep beckoned stronger.

A jolt ripped me from my dreams. My duvet lay crumpled on the floor, and there stood Rishi, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Balanced precariously in his hand was a tray of ice cubes. Yuvraj, his partner in crime, peeked through the doorway with a bucket of water held high.

The shock sent me flying upright. Before I could unleash my fury, Yuvraj, the smarter of the two, turned and fled. Rishi, however, wasn't so lucky. My glare could have curdled milk. His laughter died in his throat as our eyes met.

"What's with that expression?" he stammered, a hint of fear creeping in.

With a battle cry that would make any warrior proud, I launched a pillow attack. He barely had time to defend himself before I followed up with a flying headlock. With a dramatic throw worthy of a wrestling champion, I sent him tumbling out of my room.

"Be down in the garden within 10 minutes, or else you'll face the real wrath – Aunty's wrath!" Rishi called out, a mix of amusement and fear colouring his voice.

Stumbling into the bathroom, I surveyed the damage. My cute green outfit was plastered to my skin, a testament to Rishi and Yuvraj's 'way of waking people up'. Shivering from the cold (it was barely 4:30 am!), I quickly changed into a warm white co-ord and marched down to the garden.

There they were, huddled around the bonfire, erupting in laughter. The traitors! As the lone straggler, I received a mock royal welcome from Mom. "Maharani garu, finally decided to grace us with your presence?" she said sarcastically.

I shot her a playful glare before settling in next to Yuvraj, gratefully warming my hands by the fire. Despite the rude awakening, a smile tugged at my lips. Bhogi mornings with these crazy friends – maybe I wouldn't have it any other way.

The fire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows as we danced around it, blasting music from the speakers. Lost in the moment, Rishi leaned in and whispered, "I wish Meera was here." Meera, his elder sister studying at Harvard Medical School all the way in Massachusetts, must have been on his mind a lot.

"Me too," I replied, a pang of understanding shooting through me.

We danced on, the bonfire fueling our laughter and jokes until the first light of dawn peeked over the horizon. Around 7:00 am, our families decided to retreat. After freshening up, I slipped into a beautiful three-piece shrug palazzo dress, the rich fabric whispering against my skin.

The delicious aroma of food being cooked pulled me towards the kitchen. Mom, in her element, was barking orders at the helpers. I couldn't resist sneaking a bite of the ariselu – a crispy, sweet snack perfect for Bhogi mornings. The explosion of flavours elicited a satisfied moan that escaped my lips.

Mom, noticing my delight, asked, "How is it, darling?"

I gave her a thumbs-up sign, a wide grin splitting my face. After devouring a plate of sweets, I made my way to the bathroom to wash my hands. Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream tore through the air. It was me! Crimson water erupted from the faucet, drenching my hands and sending a jolt of terror through me.

Panic rising, I flung open the bathroom door, only to trip and fall flat on the wet floor outside. Through the haze of shock, I heard muffled giggles coming from the living room sofa. There they were, Yuvraj and Rishi, doubled over with laughter at my expense.

Realization dawned – red paint, not blood! I scrambled back into the bathroom, a mischievous glint replacing the terror in my eyes. Grabbing a generous helping of the red paint water, I stormed out, a triumphant grin plastered on my face. They were both clad in white – perfect targets! With a satisfying splash, I doused them both, the red paint creating a hilarious contrast against their pristine clothes.

Their laughter died in their throats, replaced by stunned silence. Seizing the moment, I sashayed back to my room, a satisfied smirk playing on my lips. Bhogi pranks? Game on, boys! I thought, already plotting my revenge. 

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