~Chapter 18~

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Isha's POV 

A week had passed since the bittersweet farewell, and a new chapter was unfolding. Meera Akka, having conquered both MBBS and her internship in the US, was back in India. Right now, the four of us – me, Rishi, Yuvraj, and the ever-brilliant Meera Akka – were sprawled across her room, engrossed in a Monopoly battle. Of course, as usual, I was the target of their ruthless tactics, cornered and bankrupt.

"Seriously, you guys!" I whined, throwing my hands up in mock surrender. "This is getting ridiculous! Always ganging up on me! I swear, I'll get my revenge someday."

My pout was met with laughter, the playful kind that warmed the heart. Yuvraj, ever the peacemaker, decided it was time for a truce. "Alright, alright," he chuckled. "Looks like Isha needs a break. I'll go grab some snacks. How about we switch gears and play Housie next? Rishi, you up for it?"

Rishi, mid-deal with Yuvraj, simply nodded, throwing in a quick, "And get me a Coke, would you?"

Yuvraj disappeared towards the kitchen, leaving a comfortable silence in his wake. Meera Akka, however, seemed uncharacteristically fidgety. She kept glancing at her hands, then at us, her lips forming words that never quite escaped. Sensing her nervousness, I leaned in, concern etched on my face.

"Meera Akka, what's wrong?" I asked gently. "Is something bothering you?"

Meera Akka hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Actually, Ishu," she began, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Her voice was barely a whisper, laced with a tremor of nervous excitement. "I... I love someone."

The revelation struck Rishi and me like a bolt of lightning. Our jaws dropped, surprise mirrored in our wide eyes. This news, coming out of the blue, left us speechless.

"Wow," I finally managed, my voice barely above a squeak. "That's amazing, Akka! Tell us everything! Who is this mystery guy? How long have you known him?"

My barrage of questions, fueled by hopeless romanticism, was interrupted by a playful swat from Rishi. He shot me a mock glare. "Whoa there, interrogation squad leader! Let the poor girl breathe!"

Meera Akka chuckled, a hint of relief washing over her features. "Thank you, Rishi," she said, her smile grateful. "Well," she continued, her voice gaining confidence, "we've known each other for a while now, and..." She trailed off, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"And?" Rishi prompted, leaning forward with genuine interest.

A playful glint entered Meera Akka's eyes. "Let's just say we both feel the same way, and... well, we want to get married."

The bombshell dropped, leaving Rishi and me speechless once more. But my joy knew no bounds! Meera Akka was getting married! Thrilled, I wrapped her in a tight hug. "Congratulations, Akka! Finding 'the one' is no small feat," I exclaimed.

She squeezed me back, her smile strained at the edges. The worried look that had plagued her earlier returned as we pulled apart.

"I am happy, Isha," she admitted, her voice laced with apprehension. "But... there's just one hurdle. I don't know how to break the news to Amma and Nana."

Rishi and I exchanged a silent glance, a determined glint flickering in his eyes. "Akka, don't you worry about that one bit," he assured her, his voice firm. "Ishu and I will handle it. We'll talk to them, and explain things in a way they'll understand. Just trust us."

Meera Akka hesitated, a flicker of doubt clouding her features. "I appreciate you guys offering to help," she said slowly. "But maybe I should do this on my own. It is my relationship, after all."

"Of course, Akka," I chimed in. "We completely understand. But hey, if things get tough, you know you can always count on us, right?"

She offered a grateful smile. "Thank you both. Having your support means the world to me."

Now, my curiosity, ever the relentless beast, reared its head. "Alright, spill it, Akka!" I demanded, a playful glint in my eyes. "Who is this mystery man who stole your heart? Name, origin ,age , the whole shebang!"

Meera Akka couldn't help but giggle at my enthusiasm. "His name is Akarsh," she revealed, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "We met at HMU and... well, let's just say we hit it off. We've been dating for three years now."

Rishi and I let out a collective "oooh," a sound of pure intrigue.

"And to answer your burning question about his origins, Isha," Meera Akka continued, a teasing lilt in her voice, "don't you worry. He's a Telugu abbayi himself. he's 26 he is a neurologist. he already told our matter in their house and they're fine with it, now it's just me."

Relief washed over me. An inter-state or even international romance would have undoubtedly added a layer of complexity to the situation. A local Telugu boy, however, increased the chances of Uncle and Aunty's approval.

"Do you have a picture?" I pressed, my curiosity insatiable.

Meera Akka fumbled with her phone, pulling up a photo. As the image came into view, Rishi and I whistled in appreciation. Akarsh was undeniably handsome, with a kind smile that mirrored Meera Akka's own.

"Looks like Mr Akarsh has truly lived up to his name," I remarked, unable to contain a grin. Akarsh, which meant "attractive" seemed an apt name for the man who had captured Meera Akka's heart.

Isha's OOTD 

Rishi's OOTD 

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Rishi's OOTD 

Rishi's OOTD 

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Author's Note :

hey guys! I'm really happy cause this book reached over 300 views.. I have also started an Instagram account so make sure to follow me there Keep voting, commenting and reading this book.

my IG username is : author_radiating_rose

Spread Love💕💫✨

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