~Chapter 20~

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Isha's POV

The weight of the shopping bags threatened to pull my arms out of their sockets. Tossing them onto the sofa with a dramatic "Oof," I collapsed onto the plush cushions, eyes squeezed shut. Rishi and Yuvraj, hot on my heels, mirrored my actions, both collapsing onto the furniture with similar sighs of relief.

The designer's studio had been a whirlwind of activity – picking out lehengas, sherwanis, and an endless array of wedding finery. While I could have delegated the task to the household staff, the urge to ensure everything was perfect for Meera's big day had been too strong. Her happiness was paramount, and if that meant a bit of legwork on my part, so be it.

"Can I please get some cold water?" I called out, my voice thick with exhaustion. A friendly voice responded from the kitchen, and soon a glass of cool water materialized in my hand, courtesy of Rishi's ever-attentive servant.

As I gulped down the refreshing drink, Rishi and Yuvraj sprawled out on the sofas, the picture of exhaustion. Anandi Aunty emerged from a room, Meera and my mom trailing behind. She enveloped me in a warm hug. "You all work so hard," she exclaimed, her voice laced with gratitude. "I can't thank you enough for everything you're doing to make Meera's wedding a dream come true."

"Don't even mention it, Aunty," I replied, squeezing her back. "It's no trouble at all. You're practically family, after all."

Just then, Meera broke the comfortable silence. "Hey guys," she chirped, "when are your exam results coming out?"

A jolt of realization shot through me. I fumbled for my phone, the date glaring back at me – April 14th. Today! A shared look of panic passed between Rishi and me. He shot up from the sofa and practically sprinted towards his bedroom, returning moments later with his laptop.

The moment of truth had arrived. Rishi opened the website, his eyes glued to the screen. He glanced at me, a questioning look in his gaze. Understanding dawned on me. "No way, Rishi," I declared playfully. he smirked and said, "Ladies first this time."

I countered with a smirk. "In that case, sweet gentleman, men first."

We bickered back and forth, a familiar routine. Finally, with a mock glare that held no heat, I silenced him. He sighed dramatically and typed in his number. The results flashed on the screen, and a gasp escaped his lips. 98.5%! Elated, he punched the air in triumph.

My turn. Heart pounding, I entered my details. The screen displayed a number that mirrored Rishi's – 98%! My jaw dropped in disbelief. A collective gasp filled the room as everyone crowded around to see the results. Unable to contain my excitement, I let out a joyous shriek and launched myself into Rishi in a celebratory hug. Scoring (almost!) the same marks was a dream come true, a testament to the countless hours spent studying together, fueled by late-night coffee and friendly competition.

The news spread like wildfire. My mom, ecstatic at our success, wasted no time calling Padma Aunty, who arrived bearing a box of sweets. Congratulations poured in from all corners of the house, a heartwarming prelude to the upcoming wedding festivities. 

Relief washed over me as the exam results trickled in. Phoning Trisha, Maithri, and then a whole string of other best friends(viraj and daksh), I confirmed what I'd hoped – everyone had passed! Sure, there might have been a touch of pre-exam fear, the kind that twisted your stomach into knots, but we'd all pulled through. To celebrate, we were planning a group dinner after meera's marriage – a chance to unwind and let loose after weeks of intense studying.

The good news called for a celebration, and our families were no exception. Both Rishi and I had aced our exams, and tonight's dinner was just the first of many celebratory events planned. Excitedly, I opened my closet, browsing for the perfect outfit. A cute floral frock caught my eye, but just as I was about to reach for it, a notification chimed on my phone.

It was a message from Rishi. A mischievous grin spread across my face as I read his text. "Hey!" it said. "Don't wear a frock or anything heavy today. Okay?"

Intrigued, I fired back a quick reply. "What are you planning, Mr. Mystery?" I teased. "Is there a dress code for our celebratory dinner that I don't know about?"

His response was a single emoji – a mischievous wink. Well, this was certainly interesting! Rishi rarely dictated what I wore, and his cryptic message had piqued my curiosity. Deciding to play along, I tossed the frock aside. Something more...active, perhaps? A mischievous glint entered my own eyes. This dinner was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

A satisfied smirk played on my lips as I strutted out of the house, clad in a sleek black co-ord. Gone was the demure floral frock; tonight called for something more playful, something that hinted at the adventurous spirit simmering beneath the surface. I left my hair open .A touch of makeup accentuated my features, and a few rings and a bracelet completed the look. Rishi's cryptic message about avoiding a dress code had sparked a flame of curiosity, and I was determined to play along. This celebratory dinner was about to take an unexpected turn.

Slipping into the car with my family, I couldn't help but steal glances at my phone, my mind buzzing with questions about Rishi's plan. The drive to the restaurant was filled with animated conversations, bursts of laughter, and playful teasing. An hour flew by in a whirlwind of joy, the perfect prelude to a night filled with good food and even better company.

As the evening drew to a close, and it was time to leave, a new message from Mr. Mystery, as I'd dubbed Rishi in my head, popped up. "Don't leave in the car with your parents," it instructed. "Tell them you have some work and stay back."

Intrigue bubbled in my stomach. What was Rishi planning? Following his lead, I navigated my way towards my mom, who was engrossed in conversation with Meera and Anandi Aunty. Gautam Uncle stood beside them, a smile etched on his face.

"Mom," I began, injecting a touch of urgency into my voice, "I actually have some work in this area. I need to meet a friend. Would it be okay if I stay back?"

My mom's brow furrowed. "Isha," she chided, "it's already nine o'clock! What kind of work do you have this late?"

Anandi Aunty chimed in, her voice laced with concern. "Indeed, beta. It's night-time, and you girls need to be careful. Times have changed."

Meera intervened. "Aunty and mom," she interjected, "it sounds like important work. Let her go."

I shot her a grateful look, silently thanking her for understanding. But before I could express my relief, Gautam Uncle spoke up.

"If you must go, Isha," he said, his tone serious, "then at least take Rishi with you. He can ensure you get home safely." 

I nodded innocently in response. Little do Aunty and Uncle know that this whole thing was planned by their son.


Isha's OOTD ( my South Indian parents would have killed me if I wore this without a jacket😂🤣For the next chapter you can imagine her without a blazer.)


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Rishi's OOTD

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! How are you ? I have done some changes in the previous chapter so make sure to check em out. Also what do guys think rishi has planned for tonight. Do let me know in the comments . Don't forget to vote. 

Spread Love💕💫✨


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