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Cheryl and Toni have their first sleepover.

"Oh my god Cher, that's so exciting." Betty squealed. Cheryl had called her to update her on how things were going with Toni, aka her new love interest.

Cheryl smiled while she fidgeted with her own hair. "I know. I just can't believe she actually wants to hang out with me....I'm just the shy and boring girl, while she is a badass serpent, she's confident and...."

Betty interrupted her cousin as she heard her say such negative words about herself. "Hey no, do not downgrade yourself Cheryl. You're the kindest, smartest and most loving person I know. Don't you realise Toni is literally the luckiest girl ever?"

Cheryl pushed her glasses a little further up her nose and sighed. "I guess."

"So what are you planning to do on this first sleepover tonight?" Betty asked with a mischievous tone in her voice.

Cheryl however completely disregarded Betty's intonation and told her about the things she had planned for that night. "We might watch a movie or play some games. Ohh and I also bought some snacks. Toni told me m&m's are her favourite, so I made sure to stock up on those." The redhead said excitedly.

Of course Cheryl secretly hoped for a kiss or perhaps a little peck on the lips, but she didn't want to share her desires with Betty in case she'd jinx her wishes.

Betty hummed. "Sounds great Cher." The blonde girl was so happy for her slightly younger cousin now that she experienced what it was like to date and be loved in that special way by a special someone. "Tell me everything tomorrow okay?"

Cheryl giggled with excitement. "I will."

They closed the conversation and both put their phones away.

Toni would be coming over after her shift at around 6, so Cheryl still had about an hour to kill before she would arrive. Her mom was equally as excited as Cheryl, since this was going to be the first time she'd meet her daughter's love interest.

"Cheryl honey, at what time was Toni coming again? I bought some fresh mint for you guys to make some tea tonight, you reckon she'd like that?" Penelope asked the redhead.

"Around 6. I don't know what she likes, but I'll make sure to ask her."

Penelope nodded and returned to the kitchen to prepare some more snacks for the girls.


Cheryl was sitting on the couch while she checked the clock almost constantly. It was now a quarter past six and she hadn't yet heard anything from Toni.

Cheryl was starting to become a little anxious as she grabbed her phone to see when the brunette was last online. 11:51 AM. She looked at the message Toni had sent her right before that time, it said 'can't wait to see you tonight babe😘'.

Even though Cheryl thought it was too early to be calling each other nicknames, since this was practically their fifth date and nothing was official yet, she absolutely loved it.

The redhead was about to send her a message when she heard a knock on the front door. A rush of adrenaline spread through her body as she got to her feed. Despite the fact that she really really liked Toni, she somehow still felt nervous to see her again.

She opened the door and immediately locked eyes with Toni. They both smiled. "I missed you." Toni said as she took a step forward and placed a little kiss on Cheryl's cheek.

Cheryl fixed her glasses and blushed. "I missed you too." She said softly. "You wanna go inside? My mom probably wants to meet you."

"I'd love to." Toni said confidently.

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