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"My dear, subjects!" His deep voice was heard. I don't know how he maintained his deep voice while also making sure we all could hear him. "I am honored to expand this land and it's such a great moment for all of us. But even if we are celebrating the holy Merasia today, let's hope that we can bring more prosperity to our land. Let's have more glorious moments for the sake of our descendants. Let's win! To glory!" He unsheathed his sword and raised it high in the air.

I quickly bowed, watching everyone bow down. "To Glory!"

"To Glory! To Glory! To Glory!" Everyone cheered. I looked around smiling. The enthusiasm sure was high.

"To Glory!" I whispered. I looked at the flag that was just hosted. It was an orchid flower and a snake. Powerful and dangerous. The flag fluttered freely in the breeze of the celebration.

 The flag fluttered freely in the breeze of the celebration

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The City Gates and the City Squares had most crowds. Those were the places of announcements of the events. There were no commoners on the streets. Everyone had taken their seats in the audience part of various locations. I headed to the Central City Square. As Consort Eliza had told me before, there was a gathering of several foreign delegates whose lands were conquered. I searched for the royal blue hood ones. They were supposed to be people from Starglade. I noticed them isolated from others. I smiled when I saw their silver hair features but I wasn't sure if there were a few light blondes too. But I had more important matters to take care of.

There were several consorts lined up. I detected none of the chief consorts in the crowd.

"We require ten consorts to sign up for the first event!" Several raised their handkerchiefs over their heads. I did not wish to do such foolish acts. "And the only requirement is you must be a good liar!" After this statement, majority of the crowd disappeared. I asked Sir Max to apply for my name. I also noticed the green outfit lady eyeing me and hesitating with choices. I don't know why I imagined a roe deer while watching her.

"Tweet?" I whispered.

Yes, Master. It appeared out of thin air.

"Background check!" I whispered again.

A screen materialized in front of me.

A screen materialized in front of me

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