"I'm returning you back to the shop space!"

As Prototype was about to walk out MR's eyes would begin to glow purple again and Prototype would stop dead in their tracks.

"What did you do to him?!"

"Oh just some simple mind control nothing special"

Prototype would go back to where he was standing and say nothing. His face showed signs of discomfort and he looked like he was trying to fight off MR's spell.

Split would look back at the shotgun and get an idea. She'd pick it up and slowly point it at MR

"Do you really think some shrapnel is gonna be enough to kill me?"

Before MR could react Split would then point it right at Prototype.

"Wait what are yo-


Splits ears would ring as the gun went off.

Prototype would immediately drop to the floor leaving MR without any modes of transportation.

"You IDIOT! You were supposed to shoot at either YOURSELF OR BIVE"

"You didn't Specify who had to die in this room!"

MR would look back at Prototype who had a giant hole right through their head and groan.

"Fine I'll allow it, but don't expect me to be so forgiving the next time

You, grey thing your my new pair of legs"

Fleshcousin would say nothing and pick up MR with no hesitation.

"It was so funny to see your reactions. Maybe we should play again sometime"

"Burn in hell you BOULDER!"

"This won't be the last you see of me. Goodbye"

The lights would suddenly flicker and MR and Fleshcousin would disappear out of thin air. The cuffs would immediately unlock and Split would rush over to Prototype.

"Do you think we'll be able to save him?"

"I don't know... This looks severe"

Bive would open up Prototype's chest plate and take his hard drive before stuffing it in her coat pocket.

"Say Bivey why did you seem so... Calm during the whole thing?"

"Well this is all just a simulation remember? If I DID die I would've probably just woken up back in my bed before all of this happened!"

"Even before you met me?"

"Maybe, Anyways we should prob-

Split would then wrap her arms around Bive and squeeze her.

"W-what are you doing?!"

She would then begin to cry which made Bive return the hug.

"I-i thought I was actually gonna lose you Bivey..."

Bive would say nothing and let Split use her as a stress toy.

"Sorry I'm being so emotional it's just the thought of losing you just scared me..."

"Your fine Split I was scared too"

Split would eventually let go and wipe away some of her tears.

"Now c'mon he gotta get Prototype help!"


Split would slowly nod and take her hand as Bive picked up Prototype's lifeless body

As they walked into the elevator Bive would set Prototype down on the floor as they waited for the elevator to reach DrRetros apartment.

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