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As Pest woke up he'd look down and see Poob peacefully sleeping next to him on their side. He'd spend a few minutes cuddling them before kissing them on the cheek and sitting on the edge of the bed, looking out the window and seeing raindrops hit the glass with thunder incthe distance.

He would sit there and think about what happened last night. He looked at the bedside table and looked at the pregnancy test from yesterday. He would pick it up and just look at it. He was feeling many emotions, worry, happiness, and fear. The thought of them starting a family in this situation sounded impossible but he was going to make this work, no matter what he had to sacrifice.

He'd get out of bed and head downstairs. DrRetro was at the coffee machine making herself a cup of joe. As Pest waited she'd turn around and just stare at him, her tail flicking back and forth with anger. Pest would say nothing as he leaned on the marble countertop. The machine would eventually finish pouring the coffee and DrRetro would take the mug and walk away.

As he entered the living room he'd see Lampert and DrRetro Looking at Infected, who was standing in the corner facing the wall doing nothing. Pest would pick up a kitchen knife just in case things got out of hand.


Infected would turn around and look at the group confused, as if they were the ones acting abnormal.

"Wh4ts up?"

"Dude what are you doing"

"0h 1 w4s just..."

Infected would look back at the wall and at the group.

"Sp4c1ng 0ut 1 gu3ss"

"Have you just been staring at the corner all night?"

"1 th1nk s0 1 dunn0"

As Infected stepped into the light Lampert would notice his body, it was changing. His body wasn't changing fast but it was still incredibly worrying to Lampert. For once his skin tone was getting greener everyday and his body had started to get more muscular.

"Mmeoow mrow mrowww?" (How do you feel?)

"Pr3tty much th3 s4m3"

"You don't look the same..."

"Th4t s pr0b4bly just b3c4us3 1 h4v3nt b33n sl33p1ng w3ll l4t3ly"

"Hey DrRetro can I speak to you real quick?"

DrRetro would nod and Lampert would walk to the kitchen with her.

"Listen I really think you should run some more tests on him, his condition looks like it's getting worse by the minute"

"Mew meow mroow meoow" (I'll try my best Lampert)

DrRetro would then turn back to Infected.

"Meeoww meoow meow mrooow" (Infected I'm gonna have to run some tests on you just to make sure your fine okay?)

"Uhmm 4lr1ght..."

Infected would follow DrRetro upstairs leaving Lampert and Pest alone.

"Lampert I don't think he's gonna last more than a week"

"Don't say that! He's gonna be fine!"


"If he can survive with that virus for a year he can survive this"

"Just make his final moments his best alright?"

"I hate you"

Pest would plop down on the couch and continue to sip on his coffee while Lampert paced back and forth.

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