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It was early in the morning and Lampert immediately sat up and got out of bed before heading to DrRetro's office to check up on Infected. Lampert had been worried sick ever since Infected had been bitten.

As he was about to open the door to DrRetro's office someone would shout at him.


Lampert would jump back and see DrRetro in the hallway.

"Jeez did you have to yell?"

"Mrow meowmew meoow?!" (what are you doing?!)

"I was just gonna check on Infected!"

"Meeow meowww mmeow mreow!" (you don't even have a weapon with you he could be turned!)

"No! That can't be true!"

"Meeow, meow mewmeow" (look, just bring something to defend yourself next time just in case)

DrRetro would raise her bonesaw before slowly creaking the door open and heading inside.

Inside of the office was Infected peacefully sleeping on the same hospital bed he was in yesterday. DrRetro would poke him with the end of her bonesaw until he slowly fluttered his eyes open.

"0h 1ts y0u guys..."

"Meeow meeow mrow meowmew?" (good morning Infected how are you feeling?)

"1m sc4r3d 4nd 1 st1ll m1ss my 4rm..."

"Meoow mrow meoow?" (do you have the sudden urge to consume human flesh?)

"Wh4t n0..."

"Mmrow meeow meow meow?" (Do you crave eating the insides of a human cranium?)

"DrR3tr0 pl34s3 1m f1n3..."

"Meooww meow mmmeow... mew" (alright he seems to not show any signs of infection... Yet)

"S0 c4n y0u unt13 m3 n0w?"

"Mew" (fine)

DrRetro would untie Infected who would get up and stretch.

"Th4nk y0u! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)"

"Meeoww meoow mrow meow?" (if he shows any of the signs you tell us Lampert okay?)

"Okay doc..."

"Meeow. Meoww mew mrow meeow" (good. Now if you'll excuse me Ill be getting some more beauty sleep in my room)

DrRetro would yawn before heading back to her room to catch some more z's

Lampert and Infected would head downstairs and sit down on the couch. They were the only ones up so it was just them. Lampert would look back at Infected who seemed to have a mix of nervousness and fear in his eyes.

He'd grab his hand and squeeze it tightly. Infected would blush and look at Lampert.

"Wh4t 4r3 y0u d01ng...?"

"You look really scared whats wrong?"


1m just sc4r3d 0f dy1ng m4n..."

"We're all scared for you Infected, especially me"

"Wh4t 1f 1 d0 h4v3 1t...?"

"Don't say that everything is gonna be okay"

"4r3 y0u sur3?"

"I'm certain"

Infected would smile as he gripped Lamperts hand softly before leaning in and softly kissing him on the lips.

regretavator zombie apocalypse or smth idkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant