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As Split woke up she immediately remembered the events that unfolded and began looking around in panic. She quickly realized she was cuffed to a table with Bive sitting across from her also cuffed. They were still in Bives apartment but it was now incredibly dimly lit. Prototype would eventually walk into the light still holding MR. Fleshy was simply watching saying nothing while standing in the corner.

"Morning sleepyheads"

"MR please you don't have to do this..."

"Oh c'mon we're just gonna be playing a simple game"

"I can hardly wait!" Prototype would add on.

MR would use his telekinesis and set Bives shotgun on the table before pulling out some shells.

"3 blanks one live...

Click click click click

"Inserted in a random order"

He'd place the shotgun onto the table and spin it. Split would watch in horror as it landed on her.

She'd pick up the gun, her hands shaking and her heart beating out of her chest and slowly point it at the bottom of her jaw before quickly removing it.

"I can't I can't!"

"Do it or ill make you suffer the same fate as your father"

Split would once again press it up against her jaw once again and pull the trigger.





It was a blank.

She'd immediately gasp and set it down on the table while hyperventilating.

"Beginners luck"

MR would then rack the shotgun and move it over to Bive. Shed look at the shotgun and back at Split who was now covering her face in fear of what she'd she.

"MR I'm starting to not like this game no one seems to be having fun..."

"Shh it's about to get interesting"

"Can we play another game?"

"Did I stutter?"

Prototype would gulp before continuing to stand there in silence.

Bive would pick up the shotgun and point to right down her mouth and pull the trigger.





It was a blank.

Both of them would breathe a sigh of relief as Bive set it back down on the table. MR would rack it and hand it to Split.

Split would begin to think of the odds. There were 3 blanks and 2 have been racked, leaving one live and one blank meaning it was a 50/50

Her life was now in the hands of a simple coin flip.

"MR P-please just let us go!"

"And why should I?"

"Because we've done nothing wrong! Please..."

"Nope the point still stands.

One person in this room is going to have to die for those cuffs to come off."

"That's it I've had enough! This has gone too far MR!"

"And what do you plan on doing about it tin can?"

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