Chapter 25: I Do

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But it does. Which is why I can't bring myself to open it.

I love Magnus. The moment I realized I did, I instantly thought of the letter. Dahil walang ibang to sa mundo na ito na gusto kong pagbigyan niyon. But I can't burden him with it. Not when I know that he's aware of what it means.

"I'm sorry, Ma," bulong ko sa hangin. "I want what you wanted too, but I can't have that now. Ayokong mawala na hindi payapa sila kuya. I don't want them to think that I was robbed of a chance to be happy. I want them to see that I'm okay, that I fell in love, and that I spent what time left of me with someone I love. And in a way, I would... because I love him. I really do. I just can't ask for more than that anymore."

It took me a moment before I managed to gather myself and start finishing my makeup. I cannot cry today. I need to stand by my decision. I need to do this.

I could have had a big wedding with my family with me, but I can't have them be in my wedding, fake my smiles, and pretend that everything is for real. It's already difficult without all that facade.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is up in a soft, low chignon, with a few tendrils framing my face. I'm wearing a white satin midi dress that is tight-fitting with a low back and bishop sleeves.

My phone buzzed after a few minutes, and when I looked at it, I saw that it was a chat message from Magnus telling me that he's waiting downstairs. Humugot ako ng malalim na hininga at muli kong tinignan ang salamin na nasa harapan ko. "You can do this. This is what you want."

Without giving myself to hesitate again, I grabbed my bag and the ring, slipped them on, and then I stood up to leave my hotel room. Hindi nagtagal ay narating ko na ang lobby ng hotel kung saan hindi ko na kailangan hanapin pa Magnus dahil naghihintay na siya sa akin.

I have always found Magnus effortlessly handsome. I've seen him in suits a lot, and yet there's something different about him today. Especially with the way he's looking at me right now.

"Ready?" he asked when I stopped in front of him.

I didn't trust my voice, so I just nodded. Walking side by side, we walked out of the hotel and onto the waiting car. Pinagbuksan kami ng driver niyon at pinauna ako ni Magnus na makapasok. I felt heat radiate from my skin when he touched my arm to help me get inside.

Hindi nagtagal ay parehas na kaming lulan ng sasakyan at umandar na iyon patungo sa courthouse kung saan gaganapin ang kasal namin. He knows someone from there, and since we all have the documentation needed, all we have to do is show up.

"You're already wearing a ring."

I glanced at Magnus when he suddenly spoke up, and then my eyes dropped to my hand. "Oh... it's my mother's." Napadiretso ako nang may maalala ako. Guilt was probably written all over my face when I turned to him. "I forgot about—"

He gave me a small smile. "It's okay. I already told the driver to stop by the nearest jewelry shop."


"Don't worry about it, LA."

He's good at distraction, and he knows how to do it to me. "LA?"

"Well, we need an endearment, right? You already have one for me." Nang nanatiling nakatulala lang ako sa kaniya ay umangat ang sulok ng mga labi niya. "You called me hubby bear before."

"But why LA?"

"There's a good story behind it."

Memories flashed in my mind, and I couldn't help but quirk a smile, some of the tension enveloping my body melting. "Madami nga lang meaning. Yours meant "leave me alone," if I remember correctly."

Dagger Series #8: UncoveredKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat