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Having to wake up at an early hour was still something F/n had to grow accustomed to

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Having to wake up at an early hour was still something F/n had to grow accustomed to. Using all of her time and energy to compose music until an ungodly amount of hours, her sleeping schedule was… definitely something, to say the least.

Tired yawn leaving her lips, she did her best to cover her mouth while sluggishly making her way inside the school grounds. Bag loosely hung over her shoulder with dark circles underneath her eyes, the poor girl had forgotten that today wasn't her online classes… well, the next few days weren't going to be–since she had to appoint every unit a specific time for their recording session.

“Yahoo!~” it immediately startled the composer, eyes widening with the hairs on her neck standing. both twins giggled when f/n let out a squeak, with Hinata slinging an arm around her shoulders while Yuta leaned forward with a cheeky grin.

“Hello, L/n! Sorry For the sudden jumpscare.” The blue one exclaimed, linking their arms together. Hinata brought his head close to the artist and chuckled in her ear.

“Yeah yeah! Sorry for the jumpscare! We were just too excited after hearing you'd have all the units in your recording room!” Hinata was next to talk, snickering at the flabbergasted expression on her face. The composer always had this knack to be funny at random times! Silly her~

The youngest snickered as well, though his expression faltered seeing the exhausted look on the girl's face.

“Ooohh… L/n did you even get sleep..?” yuta hissed, cringing at the sight of those eyebags and how utterly.. well.. pathetic she looked.

Pathetic in a endearing way… like a wet cat.

Hinata was next to realize what his brother meant, wincing at the sight of the exhausted girl who looked ready to pass out at any second. She took a couple of seconds to properly register his question, lazily taking her phone out and opening the notes app to type in her answer.

‘I'm not used to waking up early.’

Both twins immediately nodded, a drawn out ‘oh’ leaving their lips. Silence immediately followed until both boys threw the girl in the air.

“Well! Let's get you energized again, L/n!” Hinata laughed, catching the girl in his arm with an oomph before quickly throwing her back in the air.

“Yes yes! we'll have you all awake by 10 minutes!” yuta was next to mimic the same thing as his brother, his hair flowing with the wind and from the force of his throw as the girl had to hold her skirt from flying up.

Safe to say, F/n let the loudest screech she ever mustered in her entire life.

“Oi… you look like you got rammed by a damn truck.’ Koga expressed, nose scrunching at the view of the producer sprawled out on her table, eyes tightly closed with heavy pants leaving her lips. After that humiliating loss in the DDD (and from getting fooled so easily by the request.) the boy’s attitude had shifted, slight humbleness oozing out. He stood there with both hands on his hips watching this… scene.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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