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A self proclaimed unit to be the devils of the night, the ones who have risen from the dead to stir trouble and deemed as the most rebellious group of the school.

That was supposed to be their first impression in the eyes of the audience… though for F/n, she could only tilt her head in small confusion at the sight of those 4 boys in the room–it was certainly an interesting combination, to say the least.

Rei analyzed the look on the young girl's face, a small amused smile plastered on his features as he couldn't help but find it quite humorous that she seemed so confused about this lineup. His eyes darted to the side right after, anticipating the usual antics of his unit-mate that seemed to swoon oh so much towards girls.

To his surprise, he witnessed a rare sight that left his eyes aglow. The dirty-blond headed boy, instead of making advances, had widened eyes and a gentle grip on his own arm.

It was fascinating to witness this, typically known as the charming flirt and playboy of the school, he unexpectedly fell silent in the presence of a girl, his cheeks tinted with a subtle blush with his pupils shaking lightly.

The light-gray headed boy noticed this right after Rei, rolling his eyes and clicking his tongue in the process, pointing towards the girl with a pointed stare soon after, “You! You're the composer everyone's talkin ‘bout, right? Ya better make this the best damn mix you've ever done!”

His loud voice made the poor girl jolt, ears ringing for a fraction of seconds until it subsided enough for her to nod.

Her gaze then settled on the purple headed boy–who seemed quite frazzled with all this technology around him. Being the usual–yet shy f/n, she decided to speak up to ease his worries, wanting to reassure him.

“Ah… Um… you don't have to touch anything here, you'll just be by the booth over there.” She murmured, pointing at said location with her lips slightly pressed together. The boy sighed in relief, placing a hand on his chest to calm his racing heart while Rei chortled.

“Now now, doggie, it's rude to point!”
“Shut yer trap!”

Rei dismissively waved it off, placing own hand on top of his chest with a polite smile across his features.

“Allow me to introduce my unit—

This young boy is Hakaze Kaoru, doggie's name is Oogami Koga and the feverishly handsome boy on the last row is Otogari Adonis.”

Kaoru blinked, quickly snapping out of his daze and whipping his head to the side, mouth agape in shock as his buddy used the word handsome on Adonis! It should have been used on him! Well–it isn't like adonis wasn't handsome–but that's besides the point!

“Hey~, why didn't you introduce me like usual!” The dirty-blond exclaimed, the red-eyed male simply smirking while giving his shoulders a light pat. Koga sighed, placing his hand on his hips with a small frown (that wasn't really one.. he just aimed to exude an intimidating aura.)

“Alright alright! Quit your yapping, we need to get this song fast before the S1!”

adonis simply looked away, being the first to delicately walk over to the booth, making sure not to trip over any wires whilst the other three followed along. F/n came into the booth as well, helping Koga with the headphones that hung on the ceiling to adjust it for him before heading towards the purple haired boy. She waved her hand in front of his face, snapping her fingers to each ear to check the boy's hearing.

The confused look on his face was… certainly endearing, though the girl shook it off and pointed at her own ear, mouthing ‘can you hear the snaps’. Thankfully–he was able to read the words she silently mouthed and shook his head.

F/n looked over at the rest of the boys, doing the same thing until everything was sound-proofed enough for them to get started.

“....wow.” those were the first words to leave her mouth, she watched as the group removed their headset, standing outside the recording booth as the composer diligently worked on her digital app, and moving around some recording clips.

“Soo? How do you feel?” Kaoru questioned, having composed himself enough to try and talk to the girl, only to fumble when she turned around to face them all with a small blank face.

“...it's great… the track blends perfectly well with the lyrics… I think Otogari should… raise his voice up a bit more, though.” the mentioned boy's head perked up, hand going over his throat in curiosity and tilted his head.

“...do i sing too low?”
“No…the pitch is perfect.” She trailed off, pointing at her own throat, “sing a little more from the diaphragm, not the throat–that way the sound of your voice will sound much nicer.” He nodded, cupping his chin with his thumb and index finger–taking mental note of the advice. Rei raised a brow in surprise—taken aback with the knowledge this girl had about singing.

This twist of event piqued his curiosity, having him question whether the girl truly remained a normal composer as she made herself out to be.

“...o-oogami, right?” Koga's attention shifted, head rising in response with his brows perking up. The girl slumped down on her seat but quickly composed herself with a deep breath.

“Um… try to get more air when you growl, there was the faintest crack when I recorded your lines.” the boy's face immediately flushed in light embarrassment, his upperclassmen teasingly poking his arm in jest.

“hakaze and sakuma… I can't say much… I think you both are the stars of the group?” she questioned, her raspy like voice reverberated inside the walls of the room, Rei simply nodded and Kaoru gave a flimsy wink, which confused the girl.

“You must have good ears if you manage to pick up on such small mistakes.” The ravenet mused, cocking an eyebrow as the girl simply averted her gaze, her head tilted slightly as she stared at the floor and remained silent for a few seconds.

“...yes.” Was her answer, not wanting to go dwell much in details until she glanced back at her computer screen and saved the recording of their song— Melody in the dark.

“overall… the song is nice.” She whispered, sending a small smile their way before her body jolted again from Koga's interuption.

“Wait! Let me go at it again, ten minutes!” f/n had a visible shadow on her forehead, a sign of weariness from socializing so much in a day.

“And you better keep telling me my mistakes!”

Kaoru blinked in surprise, jaw dropped in astonishment that Koga seemed to be so restless of a single mistake.

“I… let me in too!”
“Hah?! You better not be saying that just to oogle your eyes towards the composer!" Koga argued, watching his upperclassmen stutter through his words and attempted to deny all of the accusation given his way.

Rei simply sighed, walking over to F/n to give a gentle pat to her shoulder, “i wish you good luck, fair lady.”

F/n looked up at him, her eyes widened in a mix of terror and exhaustion, her response beyond a simple , “...huh?”

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