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The first thought Anzu had in mind when seeing f/n, was one of pure disbelief

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The first thought Anzu had in mind when seeing f/n, was one of pure disbelief. Nothing that drastic or seriously terrible, but one out of pure shock to see her former friend stand right in front of her, in a school that is and was filled with people who dreamt to be idols.

She had managed to pull her aside after snapping out of her daze, excusing herself with a small smile towards Trickstar . She pulled f/n right outside the training room, near the entrance door.

"I-it's so nice to see you again, l/n..!" Anzu softly exclaimed, taking both f/n's hands in her own to give a firm handshake. The composer sent a sheepish smile, her eyes averted down to the floor as she shook her hand back with a soft grip. The silence between the two was definitely awkward and very tense, after all, it's been quite some years since they've last seen eachother. Anzu didn't know if the composer in front of her still held that grudge, yet the expression on the other girl's face proved to be indifferent, she had a sheepish-awkward look and just a little distant.

"M-mmh..it's nice to see you too.. Anzu." F/n whispered back, taking her hand away to place them inside her sweaters pockets. The brown headed girl nodded, placing her own hands in front of her figure until she huffed and gave a determined nod. "I-if you ever need help when it comes to producing, i-i'll always be here for you!" She expressed, feeling just the tiniest bit confident now since another girl was at school, f/n's face went blank until she hummed with a small smile.

"Of course... i will, Anzu." F/n whispered, a small warmth spreading around her chest for a moment before she blinked and looked towards the window that was near them with a look of realization.

"Oh...i think, it's my time to go.."

Anzu rose a brow, a little confused before remembering that the composer was only supposed to be guided for today... so Mao should have been finished by now!

"I-i see...t-then see you tomorrow..?"
"Yup.. i uh, let me thank Isara first.." the brown headed girl only nodded with a small smile, watching as the composer quickly went into the training room with a small jog.

"Oh! You guys finished talking?" Mao's head perked up as he turned around to face f/n, the girl simply nodded, bowing her head a little as a form of grattitude.

"Y-yes we did...i just wanted to thank you for guiding me today..."

The red head only chuckled, dismissively waving a hand before giving a thumbs up, a grin on his face.

"No worries at all! I'm glad to have given you the tour, producer!"

The next day came by fairly quickly. F/n had surprisingly decided to sleep in early for the first time in her...4 years of...not going to school.

She got to school with no problem, though she was still sweating bullets from wearing a hoodie under her uniform. The jacket of said uniform was thick, for some reason. Was she going to complain about it? Perhaps she wouldn't, it'd be useful for the winter season, afterall.

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