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Talking with Arashi was

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Talking with Arashi was... a breath of fresh air, to say the least.

She knew how to keep the conversation flowing—to direct the topic to another the moment something was mildly uncomfortable to talk about and she was overall very sweet... very caring, even.

Alas, the conversation had to be cut short (which wasn't really short... a lengthy 15 minute talk) since Arashi had to make her way now. Though they both were in the same class, the idol excused herself by saying she needed to find her unit mate who was a 3rd year.

With a wave, Arashi had left the classroom while F/n stayed seated on her chair, eyeing the TV with a serene expression, eyes slightly lidded with her jaw completely unclenched.

This... this truly was the first time where she felt so relaxed.

No matter, her attention was drawn to the show in front of her, eyes lighting up for a moment when she saw UNDEAD on screen, singing their hearts out and... doing fan service.

Ah yes, F/n could hear the girls swoon right in that moment.

Especially near the microphone part, F/n had to place a hand on top of her forehead to compose herself from the sight... did the camera's need to pan downwards? Especially following Adonis' hand? Was that so necessary?!

Well, the classroom certainly didn't mind! All of them were happily screeching from that fanservice he served... well served in fact.

An intermission soon followed after that–it was practically rushed however and no students bothered to question why.

F/n decided this would be a good time to head towards her composing room. Considering she was only here for Trickstars live, she deemed it a little useless to stay in class just to watch an intermission session that would probably last 10 minutes or so.

The walk over there was as exhausting as it is to take the train over to Yumenosaki.

Out of breath from walking at such rapid speed, F/n certainly didn't expect to be greeted by a guy laying down on the floor face first with arms completely sprawled out.

"... Ritsu?" She finally uttered out, confused and definitely questioning how he even got inside in the first place. Said boy perked his head up, staring through squinted eyes to make the shape of the composer until he finally relaxed.

"Oh... hey, composer."


"Just kidding~ Hello, L/n." He waved, amused with the sudden switch of expression that contorted on the girl's face; it had gone from her nose scrunching up a little to her usual blank look.

"...how did you get in my room?"
"Ah... well.." Ritsu glanced up at the ceiling in thought, trying his best to recall his adventures before undeniably shrugging.

"i just did... And this place is the quietest from the other rooms, so i hope you don't mind~" he drawled, snuggling right back on the clean floor with a hum, enjoying the coolness that the AC provided while F/n stood there, owlishly blinking from this turn of events.

"Hm... I.. i was planning on working on some music..." the girl expressed, sheepishly smiling down at the boy that remained still on the floor, eyes blissfully closed from being able to sleep in such a comfortable room.

"But I uh... I guess I can work on my phone." F/n whispered, seeing as Ritsu was getting more and more comfortable with the idea of sleeping here. She made her over to her chair, sitting idly on it and taking her phone from her pocket to boot the music app, scrolling through the multitude of files she had to start working on one of the compositions that were incomplete.

The silence inside the recording room was welcomed for both students, the black haired idol got to rest somewhere where there was no one to bother him, no one to nag at him and certainly no overwhelming noises from the audience that were probably screeching their asses off right at this moment.

He obviously wasn't going to start a conversation with the new girl, though he had started to warm up towards Anzu, he had yet to fully grasp this one's personality. Not like she was a bad person, Ritsu could clearly tell that the composer was a shy one and one who seemed awfully dedicated to her music.

He was just very very reserved, for a lack of better terms.

He won't deny it, however. This girl's general presence and aura... was incredibly soothing to be around, she didn't make anyone feel awkward and even when she was stuttering through her sentences... it didn't irk him as much as he normally would be.

That was what he was thinking when he first met her when she transferred. He could just tell that this girl wouldn't be much of a bother.

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