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NOTE: certain scenes may not be like the anime showed–that's because i'm also going by the game event (which in here, i did my best to imply that it's still around day-time/afternoon)

A/n at the end of chapter <3

Eichi's eyes immediately narrowed in satisfaction the moment he saw the group of rebels talk amongst themselves, a look of pure defeat on their faces while he continued to perform on stage

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Eichi's eyes immediately narrowed in satisfaction the moment he saw the group of rebels talk amongst themselves, a look of pure defeat on their faces while he continued to perform on stage. He looked as dashing as ever, flowing so well with the music with his steps never wavering. He could see the small flaws within the movements of Tori and Yuzuru, but he wasn't going to complain—they were doing really well, after all.

Wataru… ah, wataru. He was doing phenomenal, of course he'd be. After all, he is in the Three eccentric for a reason.

Then the platinum haired boy’s eyes lit up, having spotted the composer near the far end of the crowd. She looked almost… mesmerized by their performance—like she had never seen one in her life before getting transferred here.

His eyes crinkled at the thought, which in turn made the fans scream their hearts out at the sight of his smile. Knowing them—some girls (or guys) would think that the smile was directed at them and who was he to ruin that thought?

His heart swelled—then it started pumping before skipping a beat.

This feeling was one he had already felt once with Hibiki Wataru, whom he thought would have never stood on the same stage—yet here he was, standing right next to him, singing their hearts out for the audience.

Yet this one felt different.

And the artist was the sole reason to blame.

“....that’s Fine?” the songwriter asked, blinking owlishly once the whole audience dispersed after Eichi had announced for every unit to participate in the DDD, to have a unit represent the whole school for this huge event called the SS. The atmosphere had definitely switched gears the moment that announcement had been made.

“Yes! they’re the top unit out of the rest that exists—don't they look super ravishing?” Hajime exclaimed, a pink hue over his pale cheeks while he chortled to himself. The rest had agreed with his words—safe for nazuna who was biting his inner cheeks in light frustration that the group looked dashy on stage.

“...they look okay.”

“WHAT?!” all eyes were on f/n who idly stood there, eyes doe-like with how loud the first years had exclaimed their shock to this reveling news.

She… she wasn’t in awe?! Amazed?! Any normal (and perhaps) sane person would be yelling! They would express their excitement of finally getting a spot to watch the unit!

Nazuna had to stifle a laugh at that.

“l/n… you—you didn't—what?!” Tomoya stuttered, still taken aback as she nodded with a puzzled look.

“...i think the song was nice.. dancing too… the outfit was kind of okay.”

Another arrow shot straight to their hearts, with the senior hunching his back to hide his amusement over this scenario, shoulders trembling with the amount of laughter he was holding in—bits of snorts escaping his throat when his juniors continued to look baffled at F/n's words.

“...or it's because I don't know much about idols..”
“I agree—”
“I… I also have to agree with Tomoya.”
“That's okay!” Mitsuru was the only one to reassure the girl who only smiled lazily in return for his words.

Nazuna quickly stood beside the 2nd year, giving her shoulder a small pat as his smile never left his features. “Mitsuru is right! It's okay, not everything will leave you in awe! Or have you feel that ‘ba-dump’!” He giggled, his expression softening when F/n seemed to relax some more from his playful words.

“Right.. but Mashiro and Shino's words still hold some truth, i'm not well versed in the idol industry.” she whispered, a sigh leaving her system while she rubbed her under eye, exhaustion already creeping in her body from standing for so long and listening to the fans scream about the performance.

It was just a little worrying how fast she was getting drowsy–especially since there was one more class she had to attend. F/n wasn't mentally prepared for any other interaction with her classmates now that her energy had been drained with Ra*bits and this sudden b1 performance. she probably could just sleep this class off… but then Akiomi would have it out for her for sleeping in class.

… speaking of Akiomi.

“...sorry, i have to um.. go to the teachers lounge.” She suddenly expressed, watching all of ra*bits expression quickly switch to curiosity until Nazuna gently pushed her forward with an encouraging grin.

“Mh! That's alright! Thank you for helping us!” He chuckled, giving one last pat to her back while she gave a handshake to Tomoya, a small (albeit awkward) hug to Hajime and a quick high top for Mitsuru who decided to jump to express his gratitude.

“I hope your music composition goes well.” She smiled gently, waving at all the boys before jogging her way over to the school building (admittedly regretting seconds later as she was already out of breath)

Akiomi was busy planning the necessities for the unexpected DDD announcement, brows firmly knitted together as his gaze stayed fixed on the laptop screen. The loud mouse clicking could be heard echoing inside the staff lounge, since he was the only one alone while Jin was somewhere doing… whatever he always does.

His head immediately shot up when a sudden figure entered the room, though his expression immediately—and almost instantly softened the moment he recognized the person to be F/n, who looked as sheepish as ever.

“Oh, it's you, L/n. Please, come in.” He ushered, waving a hand for her to come in further and to close the door behind her. Once she did those tasks, she stood at a respectful distance from the teacher, tilting her head in curiosity as to why she was called here since this morning.

“Yes, give me a moment—i'm sure you're curious as to why you're here.”

Thanks for reading her mind.

“See, the DDD is one–if not–the most important event out of the others you may have been told about.” Akiomi didn't bother mentioning the SS, it'll take too much to explain that event. F/n will surely get what he means, anyways… well, he hopes.

“And during those weeks, the idols will be working hard in order to polish their dancing and singing.” The girl had already begun to dread the next couple of words that would leave the teacher's mouth…

“So, as the musician in the production course, you'll have to schedule all of the units for their singing gigs.” Akiomi stated, firmly closing his laptop before pushing his glasses back, observing the composer who stood idly, stiff as a rock.

It felt like her soul had been sucked straight out of her body.

“...i'll… i'll have to wake up early..?”
“...you'll have to wake up early.”

an arrow pierced straight to her heart, eyes blank at the mere thought of getting up at an ungodly hour just to meet some units for their recording sessions.

A/n: did i make eichi have a 'love at first sight' scenario? 🤭🤭 who knows. But sorry for the long wait and sorry if this chapter seems short,,,

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