32 | talking to the stars

340 21 16

April 20th, 2015 — 2:52 p.m.

This time of the day was always slow. Chifuyu sat at the counter and looked through a motorbike magazine. His Toman days were long behind him by now, but he was thinking of getting a bike now. He'd finally saved some money for it and he had a license this time around, so he would be driving it legally.

Looking at the magazine did remind him of when he was a kid, however. How he would run around with Baji and Takemichi and the others and their 'gang'. It was silly, how seriously everyone took it. How scared they were of other gangs at other times.

He got nostalgic sometimes. Those thoughts always led him back to Y/n.

He hadn't seen her since the day after Kisaki had kidnapped her. He'd been sent to juvie, and once Y/n's parents found out what had happened and what her friends and Chifuyu were involved in, they sent her away. Chifuyu didn't know where. He couldn't contact her, either, as her number wasn't reachable anymore.

Despite that, Y/n never attempted to contact him either.

It's been ten years, but sometimes he wondered what had happened to her. If anything, at least he'd been sure she wouldn't be dragged into their gang bullshit again.

He wondered if she'd become a vet.

The bells at the door of the shop dinged and Chifuyu checked who'd entered. He perked up immediately. ''Yo, Takemichi!'' Takemichi waved at Chifuyu and quickly walked over to the till, looking around the shop. Chifuyu chuckled. ''Did you just come back from the past?''

Takemichi chuckled and nodded. ''Yeah. You didn't really have this last time I changed the future. It's nice!''

''Thanks,'' Chifuyu said and closed the magazine. ''What'd you do this time?''

''Chifuyu! You gotta order more cat food, we're running low!'' Baji's voice called from the back.

Chifuyu sighed and turned back for a moment. ''I already did, Baji-san!"


Chifuyu turned back to Takemichi. He was staring at the back door for a moment before looking at Chifuyu with a grin. ''Doesn't really matter. Everything is as it should be.''

Chifuyu raised an eyebrow. ''Right.'' He looked down at his old, worn out watch. It was two minutes past three now. ''You wanna go grab a bite? Kazutora should be coming back soon and he and Baji can watch over the store. I'm starving.''

''Sure, yeah. I'm getting hungry, too. My present self probably didn't eat lunch.''

''Imagine saying this to someone with no context.''

The two chuckled. Chifuyu excused himself to get his jacket from the back, informing Baji of his plans. He heard the bell of the door ding again, so he quickly put his jacket on.

''Takemichi? Is that you?''

Chifuyu furrowed his eyebrows. He fixed his jacket and emerged from the back rooms, his eyes falling on a girl.

Her hair was a different length, but her captivating eyes and pretty smile had remained the same, even ten years later. Chifuyu blinked a few times, unsure if he was seeing things. ''Y/n?''

Y/n's eyes immediately flew from Takemichi to Chifuyu, then widened. ''Oh my God, Chifuyu, is that you?''

How was it that he'd just thought about her and she appeared? Had he manifested this? Why did this happen now out of all times?

''I— yeah. It's me,'' Chifuyu said as he walked in front of the counter to stand next to Takemichi and Y/n.

''It's so nice to see you!'' Y/n exclaimed. She took a step forward and Chifuyu thought she would hug him, but nothing happened. ''I haven't seen you in years! How are you? What're you doing here?''

''I'm good. I own this place, actually.'' Chifuyu explained. He still couldn't believe what he was seeing. She was prettier than he remembered. ''How are you? What are you doing here?''

''I just moved back and I was wandering around town, checking out what's changed. And I needed to buy some cat food. You remember Shin and Mai?'' Y/n said. Her smile never wavered and Chifuyu couldn't look away.

''Of course! How are they doing?''

''They're fine.'' Y/n said. There was a pause and Chifuyu could see her fidgeting with her fingers. ''They, uh, miss Peke J.''

Chifuyu's eyes widened. His stomach felt weird. ''Oh? Peke misses them, too. He used to always look grumpy around them, but I'm pretty sure he liked them.''

The two stared at each other for a moment. Then Takemichi cleared his throat, startling Chifuyu. ''Hey, Chifuyu, I know you're so hungry, but I actually need to go. I'll see you later?''

''Huh?'' Chifuyu looked at him in confusion. ''But—''

''I was getting hungry, too.'' Y/n suddenly said and Chifuyu looked at her. ''Would you like to get some lunch together? We can catch up.''

Chifuyu reminded himself to thank Takemichi later.

''Yeah, sure.'' He then looked at the cat food display, noticing the last package remaining. ''Wait, before we go, let me put that to side for you, it's the last one. You can pick it up later.'' If this meeting doesn't turn into a disaster. Please don't turn into a disaster.

''Oh, thank you so much! This is the third store I'm checking, no one else had cat food.''

Is this fate? Or did Takemichi go to buy out all the cat food in the region? Both are possible.

Chifuyu showed her to his favorite restaurant near the shop and they ordered, chatting about this and that.

''You know, I ended up becoming the student council president in high school. There were no bitches there, though, so it was much nicer,'' Y/n explained as she dug into her food. ''And I'm a vet now! I just found my first actual job here so I had to move. But my coworkers are really nice, so I don't mind the change.''

''I'm glad to hear that,'' Chifuyu said. A moment of silence fell between them and Chifuyu already felt like this conversation would turn deeper. ''I used to wonder what happened to you sometimes.''

This was the first time Y/n's smile really faltered in the past hour. She let out a sigh. ''I'm sorry I never contacted you. My parents took my phone away and made me get a new number, and I didn't know yours anymore. Then they moved away, too, so I never really got to go back. Then life got busy, I guess.''

''Yeah, I get it. Don't worry about it. I'm just glad everything turned out okay,'' Chifuyu said.

Y/n hummed. ''But . . . I really wondered if you were okay, too. I never really dared to look you up, though. Sorry.''

''Don't worry about it. I didn't really either.'' Chifuyu said. Despite that, now that she was back, maybe it would be nice to hang out again. To be friends again. ''You remember Baji? We run the shop together. And we're planning to go see this movie that just came out tomorrow with some friends from the old gang. Would you like to join? Draken's girlfriend — you know, the one that got stabbed all those years ago? — would be there and so would Takemichi's, so it won't be just guys if that would be a problem, but I totally understand—''

''Chifuyu.'' He shut up immediately. He realized he'd been rambling and embarrassment immediately filled him. ''I'd like to go. I think it would be fun. Give me your phone.''

Chifuyu handed it over with no questions. That night, he went home with a small smile and a new number in his phone. Later, he sat at his window, looking up at the night sky as he's been doing for the past ten years. Wondering if Y/n was doing the same.

She was. She sat at her windowsill, a blanket over her legs and Shin and Mai in her lap. The stars weren't as prominent as they'd been ten years ago with all the pollution, but it still brought her familiarity and comfort.

I met with Chifuyu today. Can you believe that?

i told the stars about you | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now