Chapter 42: Fate can be Cruel

Comenzar desde el principio

Seryu: Come on! Let'ssssss take down the sssscourge of Evil! For our friends!

Kim: Yeah! You'll pay for killing Shiloh!

Seryu: And Koro!

Price: I really don't care, as long as you die!


Haruki and Declan were shuddering in their boots as Sophie prepared her choker, while the boys could barely activate their Teigus. These were the people who ruined their lives all those years ago.

Haruki: You're that bunny killed Chloe.

Declan: You killed Neil........why.....why?!

Champ: Neil? Oh, you must have been that boy of the nice brown haired muscle boy's house I destroyed! He was so sweet.

Cosmina: Also, I feel bad for killing that girl. She didn't deserve to die. But you did.

Haruki and Declan were too scared to move, as Sophia used her shadows to try and snag onto theirs and fling them around. She grabs them and slams them everywhere on the lab. All they could do was wail in fear, until Sophia snapped the generals out of their trance in order to help.

Sophia: Help me!

Haruki: Ok!

He unleashes a flurry of vines and whips them repeatedly while Declan flung a large amount of explosions from his Trump Card. Declan kept on firing shots and Haruki kept using his vines to instill as much damage as possible.

Soon, Haruki pulled out Cosmina and began to fight her and used his vines to punch her face, while also using thorny vines and poison Ivy to attack.

Haruki: Why do you kill?! Why do you rape?! Lives are worth living! Not toying with!

For some reason, this ticks Cosmina off as she then gets up close to Haruki in order to harm him more. The punches, he dodged easily, and so were her kicks.

He throws his explosive plant bombs which give off a wafting mist until Cosmina fires back with her loud voice, against Haruki.

Cosmina: Well my life was never worth living! I was chased out of my hometown! No one liked me!

Haruki: Really?! I lost my girlfriend!

Cosmina: You lost a loved one! I lost my entire family! They burned down! You had a job, someone to love, and people to care for! I wanted that as much as you!

Haruki stops and suddenly grabs Cosmina with vines and stops her as Declan faced Champ.

Declan: My family, you killed them! Destroyed my house! And killed Neil!

Declan was tossing explosions at Champ like he was a monster, and Champ kept firing elemental balls at the brown haired glove user.

Champ: Well, it's not my fault adults are so evil and children are angels! You should've stayed. That way, you could've been an Angel just like your friend. Now you're just a filthy adult.

Declan: Well, it beats being a child murderer.

Champ keeps throwing balls at Declan as he keeps on dodging them. Sophia slams Syura into a wall and goes with Sayo and Ieyasu to save Lubbock. Soon they get him out of the chains and rescue him.

Ieyasu: You're safe now.

Sayo: Come on.

Lubbock: Thanks.

Sophia: And here's your Teigu.

She tosses the string gloves at Lubbock as Syura wakes up and starts stomping his feet. This causes a huge earthquake as many objects fall and the large lab starts to crack. Ceiling tiles even fall from the top and nearly crush the group.

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