Chapter 3: Sweet Teams

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(Light Stone gives prophetic powers. Dark Stone will come up later.)

As Ieyasu and Sayo started to walk, get light treatment from Jun, and recover from the poison, Jin was still being treated by Najenda's surgeon. Tatsumi and Jun waited downstairs for Jin's surgery to do well, and after a few hours, the surgeon sighed a sigh of relief.

Jun: Is he alright?

Tatsumi: How's it looking doc?

Doctor: Well, it wasn't easy, but I was able to remove the bullets. And believe me. It wasn't easy getting the stuff needed to heal him. A mixture of wolf and human, and somehow shooting these areas would be hard to get up from, let alone stay alive. Don't worry. He'll recover after a night's sleep.

Sayo: Thanks, Doc. I owe him my life.

Ieyasu: Not him, them. We got poisoned and Jin and Jun saved our lives.

Tatsumi: You'd probably die if it weren't for them.

Doctor: You guys can look after your friend now. Tell Najenda I need no payment.

She leaves as the 4 look at Jin and they wonder what will happen to him. The three head off to bed while Jun stays behind and starts to cry.

Jun: Why was I so stupid?! If only I gave the stones to dad! Now you're gonna die, and it's all my fault!

Tatsumi: Jun. Don't worry. The doctor says he'll make a recovery.

Jun: I know, but it's life or death!

Tatsumi: Hey. Have I ever been untrustworthy? I know he'll recover.

Jun: Thanks. *sigh* Tatsumi, we've gotten to know you for a while, so can I tell you a story?

Tatsumi: Sure.

Ieyasu and Sayo: What about us?

Jun: Only Tatsumi.

They leave for bed as Tatsumi pulls up a chair and listens to Jun.

Jun: Tatsumi, me and my brother are gods. Our Teigu was really powers we came to the corporeal world with. Weapons, and light or darkness. But now we have weapon manifestations, three elements each, and probably more since it brings out what's inside. We still have strength, durability, a healing factor, and speed still, but no immortality. If Jin was human when he got shot, he would've died.

Tatsumi: Why are you here then?

Jun: I had some crazy vision. It's fuzzy, but it was a war between the corporeal world and the afterlives. With humans wielding the stones they got from heaven. I told my dad, but he didn't believe me. That's why I'm here. We would've left the human world if we never found those stones. And I needed the one human on this earth I could count on.

Tatsumi: Wow. But, I've got something to say. I knew you're supernatural the whole time.

Jun: How?! And when?!

Tatsumi: I saw you fall out of the sky when we first saw you. I saw many people commit suicide in my village when they were lacking in food and money, with them jumping off the highest cliff, and even in snow, they died.

Jun: I mean the snow could've been thick enough.

Tatsumi: You didn't even have a bruise! But I knew it was kind of sensitive. So I waited until you could tell me what really happened.

Jun: Thanks, Tatsumi. This secret you take to the grave.

Tatsumi: Yes, it will. And Akame will as well.

They looked and Akame was in shock at the revelation.

They looked and Akame was in shock at the revelation

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Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now