chapter 1

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*the guards keep staring at you while the man walking to you is harry styles, he seems really mean and cold, but he is very attractive too

he takes a seat and looks at you


"So why did you want me here harry"
a man walks out of the shadows and stands next to one of his guards

"Tell me your name."harry asked

"Only if you tell me why I am here then I will tell you my name"

"I'll tell you why you're here when I feel like it because I'm the one in charge here, now tell me your damn name."he shouted

"Jesus sorry my name is Julia" I say

he nods, and then nods to his guards

"Alright, take her to the room." demand Harry

they start dragging you from the room towards a door, the sound of metal can be heard behind the door.
"What fuck where are you taking me"I screamed

one of his guards turns back with a cold look

"To a very special place."he said in a dark tone

"What the fuck do you mean"I shouted

he smiles as his guard drags you through the door

"You'll see soon enough."

"For god sake this is why I never go anywhere without any information but today I do." I think to my self

the door is locked, and you can start hearing screams from inside the room, you feel the guard behind you grabbing your arms and starting to hurt them a little.
I start to cry slightly but quiet enough for the guards not to hear me

the guard starts to laugh, but then turns back and starts dragging you again, the screams get louder each step you take closer to that room

I am getting ready for what is going to happen to me

After a minute, the door is opened and you are dragged to a dark room. You can see other men and women tied to chairs screaming and bleeding, the lights are really dim

My eye winded for a second to see what was going on

after a couple of seconds, another man enters the room. He's wearing a suit along with expensive shoes. He looks over at you and smiles

"Ah, you're the new one."the man said

"What do you mean by the new one why am I here" I say while my voice is trembling

"Well, you're the newest guest here in The Room" He laughs

"We're just going to have a little chat okay?" He demanded

"As if I have a choice" I say annoyed

"Exactly, anyways we just have some questions that need answering, understand?" He said calmly

"Okay fine I understand" I say

he smiles again
"Now tell me, how old are you?"he questioned

"I am 19" I answered

he pauses
"You're very young, now tell me, is your mom and dad still alive?"

"Well my dad left when I was 12 so I don't know and my is alive"

the man pauses again and smiles even more
"Now this is just lovely, you're still so young. Now, I have some important questions, is there anyone who you love?"

"Not really I have been lonely for most of my life the only person I love is my mum"

"Now this is getting interesting. You only love your mom?"

"Well I have no friends or siblings and my grandparents are dead so yes I only love my mum"

he smiles even more, getting even creepier

"Just as I thought. Now, do you love your mom a lot?"

"Well we all love our mums"

he pauses for a second before laughing a little

"Oh you have no idea how much people dislike their moms, but we'll get back to that. So, you love your mom, is she the most important person in your life?"

"No she isn't the most important person in my life."

he looks at you with a shocked look

"Who is then? Don't tell me some stupid boyfriend you have or something, I've heard that one before"

"No the most important person in my life is me"

he seems surprised by this answer, his eyes widen

"Wow, that's a first. Now, this just got way more interesting. Is it always you before everyone else?"

"Yes it has I'm be selfish or anything but you can't trust anyone not even your family"

he smiles again, creepily
"Good, good. Now we're really getting somewhere. I have very few doubts about this but I have to ask anyways, do you do drugs?"

"No I don't never tried them"

he smiles even wider, he looks at you again
"Oh come on, don't lie, don't forget, I am the boss and I can do whatever I want with you. Tell me, do you actually do drugs?"

"Okay I have I don't really want to talk about it though"

he laughs a little
"And why's that? Scared you'll get into trouble? Oh, don't worry, you're already in a lot of trouble, a bit more wouldn't change anything. How much drugs have you done?"

"I had a addiction okay that's why I don't want to talk about it"

he stops laughing and looks at you coldly
"What drug were you addicted to? Come on, don't be shy I won't snitch, trust me."

"Why should I trust you" I start to feel tear drop down my face

he smiles creepily again
"Why should you trust me? You shouldn't, but, if you still don't tell me what drug you were addicted to, this wouldn't end well for you."

"Well I did weed cocaine and heroin" I say getting more tearful

"Wow... that's a lot. Can I ask you a question?"

"Well you have been asking me questions so yes"

"Well... are you still addicted to them? Or have you quit."he asked

"I overdosed then got sent to a mental hospital for a year so no I'm not addicted"

he pauses for a second
"A mental hospital? Now this just got Very interesting. You know, I'm curious why you overdosed, was it an attempt of suicide? Or was there something else to it?"

"It was attempt" I say as my hands started shaking from the flash backs

mafia Boss and his maidWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu