vikram And preeti 2

Mulai dari awal

“I am also a lawyer and it is important to know the names of famous lawyers in the world of law.”, Preeti said while eating pakodas, then Vikram again said in surprise, “What! You are also a lawyer.”

“Yes, I practice in the district court.”

Hey, this is really surprising. I had not thought that your and my profession would be the same.”, Vikram was saying looking at Preeti.

His eyes were fixed on Preeti and the task he had taken upon himself was getting accomplished. That means the tea was about to spill out of the pot, but Preeti noticed it in time and quickly turned off the gas stove with her hands smeared with gram flour. The tea was saved, but the gram flour definitely got on the gas stove.

“I am really sorry. I was not paying attention. I had taken up a task and that too got messed up.”, Vikram said apologizing in disappointment, then Preeti said smiling.

“It doesn’t matter. It was my mistake, I should not talk about law in front of a lawyer.”, Preeti said laughing.

Seeing her laughter, Vikram was lost in her laughter. He was just looking at her smiling eyes.  In their first meeting, he had seen Preeti's sad eyes which had made his heart restless and today her smiling face is giving him peace.

" Where are you lost?" Preeti said waving her hand in front of Vikram's face, then Vikram came to his senses and said in a hurry, " Give me the cloth, I will clean it." But Preeti refused and said, " No no, it's okay. I will clean it."

" No, please give it to me. I have spoiled the work, so let me do it and I promise I will make this work perfect." Vikram said requesting, then Preeti accepted defeat and pointed him towards the place where the clothes were kept and Vikram started cleaning the gas stove with that cloth. Tea was ready, only some pakodas were left to be made, which Preeti was making quickly. Vikram was standing near her and was watching her very carefully with deep eyes.

When Preeti felt the heat of his gaze on her, she looked at him, but then Vikram asked Preeti a question which stunned Preeti.

Mumbai _

Rishabh left the mansion and went straight to his basement. He went to a room in the basement where Praveen and a man with him were already waiting for him.

Rishabh entered the room and sat on the sofa in front of them like a king. On seeing him, the man first bowed a little and then quietly placed a file in front of Rishabh.

Rishabh picked up the file and opened it and started looking at it. That file had all the details of whom Alok Shergill talked to, where he went and what he did in the last 7 days.

“Whose surgery did Doctor Wilson do?”, Rishabh asked, then the man said a little scared, “Sir, just give me 2 days, I will bring all the details to you in 2 days.  "

"Okay, you have 2 days, bring me all the information in two days. Otherwise on the third day your family will have to go to the police station with your information to report a missing person.", Rishabh said staring at the man and closed the file and kept it on the table.

Hearing his words, the man swallowed his split in fear. Praveen lowered his head and started smiling.

"No sir, I will really bring it in two days.", the man said stammering.

Rishabh got up from the sofa and put his hands in his pockets and started to leave. But after thinking something, he stopped at the door and turned and asked the man, “Are you married?”

“What?”, the man said in surprise. Then Rishabh said angrily again, “I asked if you are married.”

“No sir, I am not. But I am engaged.”

“Okay, I have given you three days, not two.” Rishabh said this much and left from there and the man was looking at him with wide eyes in surprise.

He was not able to understand what happened to Rishabh today. First he asked him about his personal life and then gave him 24 hours more to complete the work.

He asked Praveen, “Praveen sir, what happened to this sir?  ”

“ You are lucky that is why you have got one more day to celebrate today with your fiancée.”

“ What do you mean sir? I don't understand anything.”, the man asked in confusion, then Praveen hit him on the head and said, “ You donkey, today is Valentine's Day, if you don't remember then remember and if you have not bought any gift for your fiancée then go to her as soon as possible with a gift. Otherwise it will not take much time for your engagement to break.”

“ Oh shit, I forgot. Thank you so much sir for reminding me.”, the man said hitting his head and Praveen started laughing.

Then the man said to Praveen, “ By the way sir, give my thanks to the lady boss also, because this change in sir has come because of her. I am sure she will be very nice.”

“ Yes she is very nice and now you should go otherwise if Rishabh sir hears the praise of his wife from your mouth then today will be your last day.”

Sir, this should not happen even by mistake. I am leaving immediately.”, the man said and left.

After he left, Praveen smiled and said to himself, “Let me also go to my wife to celebrate Valentine. Oh, it has been so long since I met my wife. I have not met her for the whole 2 months, I have not held her in my arms.”

Just then his phone rang. Hearing the words of the other person, his forehead wrinkled and worries appeared on his face. He said, “Okay, I will come right away.” Saying this, he disconnected the phone.

And taking a deep breath, he said to himself, “I have to go. Sorry Shanaya, I will not be able to come. But how do I convince Shanaya for this? If I say it on the phone, she will explode on me like a volcano. Let me do one thing, I will message her after boarding the flight and will say sorry after coming back. Sorry Jaan, I am really sorry.  ”


Hardik was sitting in his cabin when Manish, Gaurav and Omkar came to his cabin. Hardik gestured them to sit, then Manish said, “We did exactly as you said. After Archana regained consciousness, we did not talk to her much. But when will she be normal, doctor?”

“Look, she went into coma due to the injury on her head and we removed all the clouds but her brain is still fine, so we don’t have to give her any stress. She will be fine with the rest of the medicines and care.”

“Thank you, thank you so much doctor, if you people were not there, maybe my mother would never have been fine.” Gaurav said holding Hardik’s hand.

Omkar was standing quietly on one side. He did not say a single word till now. On hearing Gaurav's words, Hardik got so angry that his grip on Gaurav's hand tightened due to which Gaurav started feeling pain.


I also write Hindi novels , so if any of you reads novels in Hindi language then you can message me or DM me on Insta for the link.🥰🥰
Because I recently started new story 😍








Unwanted Wife Of Mafia King ( Part 1 ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang