Chapter 4

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EARTH'S POV (again cuz why not)

"Im gonna be fine, Luna."
I continue to advance in the Asteroid belt, my heart pounding. What if Jupiter won't tell me anything or if he doesn't know what's wrong with me? I look around just incase anything might harm me. In the corner of my eye I saw a dark shape moving around. I hear scuffling around me and I almost start to panic. I see a Asteroid go past me and that was when I really started to panic. I spin around and yell out "Wh-Who's there..!?"

I received no reply. Only a eerie silence. I shivered for a second then I shook it off and continued to go to Jupiters orbit. Again, I see something move in the corner of my eye and I decide maybe I should go faster. I pick up the pace and I suddenly see something infront of me. "Ceres!?" I exclaim. Trying to flee. But it was already too late. He threw a Asteroid at me, quickly dodging it I grab a nearby Asteroid to throw it at the dwarf planet.

Ceres giggled maniacally but suddenly stopped. Looking at me with horror. I stared at him with confusion and blinked. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I mumble. Ceres moved backwards as I said those words and he spinned around and quickly went away from me. My mind was scrambled about what happened right now. I ignore my thoughts and continue to go towards Jupiters orbit.

I start to shiver. Maybe it was a bad idea to come here. I look around the orbit and I spot Jupiter talking to Saturn with a flirting tone. How and why am I hearing that? I don't know. "Jupiter!" I call out the large planet. Jupiter turned around and went towards me. "Hello, Earth. It's unusual to see you here." Jupiter remarked. Looking at me. "Well, yeah. But I have a question." I tell him. He tilts his head in concern. "What is it?" "Well, you see a black mark on me, right?"

Jupiter nodded. I sighed with nervousness and continue. "Well, do you know what caused this? Ceres was terrified by the sight of my mark." I ask him. Hoping he would have an answer. "Well, I'll answer your question soon. But what the fuck happened to you?" Jupiter exclaimed. I tilt my head again with concern. It's that bad? "Can you answer my question now? I heard Mars already asked you about it." "Well, yeah. And I suspect it's the object that you have been holding. That object is really suspicious." Jupiter sighed, spinning around. I thought he was already gonna leave so I said a 'thank you' and turned around to go back to my orbit.

I arrive back at my orbit, my heart pounding. I see Luna approach me and I wave at him. Suddenly he almost screeched loudly with fear, rushing towards me. "Earth! What's going on with you!? Your black mark is surprisingly bigger since the last time I saw you!" He exclaimed with fear. I tilt my head with concern. "And how is that concerning you? It probably won't have a big effect on me." "No! Something probably will happen to you! Are your words the truth?"

I sit down on a asteroid, my mind scrambled. I think about what Luna said. What if Luna is correct? What if- wait, is that Mars in the distance? "Mars! Love!" I call out to him. He swiftly turned around and went towards me. "Yes, Ear-th.." He looked at me in a horrified gaze. Again, I tilt my head. "What now?" I groan in annoyance. "Your black mark.. what's going on with you..?" "Yeah, yeah. It's gonna be fine. Not like anything will happen to me."
"Your being too ignorant, Earth. It's literally surprisingly larger than France- like, you know?" Mars exclaimed. My eyes turn wide with shock. Larger than France..? I shed a tear and tackle mars onto the ground. Hugging mars tightly as I become teary eyes and place my head on his shoulder.

"Y-Your joking.. right..?" I mumble in pain. Feeling every single thing my earthlings are doing to me. I could feel every tree they cut down hitting my surface, every hole they dig into me, every single piece of trash that's getting thrown onto my surface, every single little thing. I curl around my lover and I start to sob. "Hey.. your not fine. Come here." Mars mumbled. Bringing his arms around me.


Word count: 769

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