Chapter 8 - Renata

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Taking Seber's hand, Renata stepped out of her carriage and surveyed the aftermath of the fight. It was close to ten minutes since the sounds of warfare had ceased, but Seber had only just permitted her to join him outside. Being forced to remain inside the carriage with the knowledge that the next person to open its door might want to claim her life, had done quick work on Renata's nerves. As she thought back on her long life, she couldn't recall a time when she felt quite as overcome with fear as she had been twenty minutes ago. When she noticed the patch of red tinged sand under her sandals, Renata stepped further from her carriage to glance over the bodies of their enemies scattered along the road and its embankments. Her carriage driver was sitting on the ground nearby holding pressure on a wound he had sustained across his left arm. Renata let out a heavy sigh at the carnage.

I know many of the citizens aren't happy with my grandson's leadership, but an all-out assault on a royal procession? In the middle of the day? It's unheard of!

"Rather bold of them to attack in broad daylight. Did they think we wouldn't be travelling with protection? Do you..." Her thought was cut short by a piercing whistle to her right. She turned to see Seber with his thumb and pointer finger poised on his bottom lip. After a brief pause, he whistled again. "Seber... what are you doing? Do you realize how annoying that is?" she asked in irritation a split second before he looked at her and she saw concern in his eyes.

"My mare's gone." He answered somberly before whistling loudly again. She understood immediately.

"Zuri? Zuri! ZURI!" Renata began calling out as she frantically began searching for her young assistant. Seber followed at her heels as she quickly strode up the line of carriages and continued calling her name.

Where could she be? What a horribly selfish person I am to be so preoccupied with my own safety that I didn't even consider Zuri! She was outside during that battle! How could I have forgotten about that poor girl for even a second!

"My lady." Renata turned quickly to find out who'd spoken. A foot soldier with an injured leg was sitting with his back against the wheel of one of the supply wagons and his eyes were trained on her. He bowed his head in respect before continuing. "The Elurian girl that was with traveling with you... I saw her take off that way." He explained as he pointed toward a spot in the tree line.

"She did? Why on earth would she ride away from the convoy?" Renata asked in disbelief.

"She wasn't riding. She was on foot with one of the enemy's men chasing her. I'm sorry, my lady." She could hear the bleak undertone in his words making her heart skip a beat.

My poor Zuri. She was anxious enough just to go on this little adventure and now this? I promised her it was going to be a fun trip!

Renata glanced back at her carriage. Tadeo overheard the conversation and had temporarily stopped bandaging the driver's arm to jump to his feet and look around. Seber's was still by her side and his eyes were fixed on her. He was uncharacteristically tense as he patiently and attentively awaited her orders. Upon hearing her grandson's voice, Renata continued down the road until she spotted Benat amongst a large group of soldiers and guards.

"What the hell was Tadeo doing out here if he wasn't looking after Zuri?" Renata quietly complained to Seber, unable to stop herself from blaming her young guard for suggesting Zuri learn how to ride in the first place.

"He's still green. Remember, he isn't a normal guard and as far as I know, he hasn't been a part of any real fights before today." Seber explained as he walked by her side.

"I thought you were working with him?"

"He's alive, isn't he?"

Renata shook her head bitterly as she finally reached her grandson. "Benat! I require a few of your men to form a search party."

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