I dont really know

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I don't really know anymore.

I feel ok but I know I'm not ok.

I feel like crying but I can't, its not like

I can't I can but there are no tears or


I don't really know.

I cant sleep but I can sleep

All day if I wanted to.

I don't wanna be here but I do wanna be


I don't want to be at home, but

I don't want to be anywhere else but

At home.

I don't know I really don't know.

I want to run away but I know I can't.

I wanna be will you in your arms, but

I know I can't.

I wanna go over to your house and

Stay there with you, but I know I can't

Do that.

I don't really know.

Alll these feelings and thoughts are what

I really feel and think, but I don't know

What to do about them.

I don't really know, but

I wish I did know

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