A letter to you

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I want to write a letter to you.

To see if you can remember the hand

Writing or the way the letters looks like

Or how the letter smells.

I want to write a letter to you so I can

Shove all my feelings in to it and give it

To you so you can have all my anger

And sadness and pain.

"A letter to you" I will say but won't say

It was from me.

But I know you will know it was from

Me and that's ok.

Only a letter to you will make you

Realized how much you have

Truly broke me.

A letter to you will only make these

Feelings go away.

A letter to you that will make you realize

How much pain I was in.

So I will do it I will write a letter to you.

A letter to you.

Sad PoemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt