Acheron - Mad Love

Start from the beginning

Acheron sighed... Was this the third? Fourth? Time she was hired for the same case in this month alone? Always coming back empty handed but that was not what mattered to her... It was just how to spend all this money since aeons did she get paid even for the barest info she could gather... She doesn't need this much.

Why couldn't it be that stelleron hunter? It would be easier... What's her name already? Lovecraft? Poe? It was some old timey author name... Even that would be easier... But no, she was stuck with always accepting these offers for this job... No matter her silent complaints tho, she would keep accepting these jobs each time. Time and time again.

With a sigh, folding the umbrella and abandoning it off to the side somewhere, she could always buy a new one, letting the rain instantly drench her, getting off the beaten paths of the tightly packed city, trough thin alleys and high underpasses, getting where the latest scene was.

A jeweler on the other side of the street she was now standing on, black and yellow tape strung up and windows broken in, the body of who was probably the owner hung out the broken window with the shards of the windows still in place piercing out of its body with three cop-like people working around the scene.

She didn't approach, eyes momentarily training on the untouched jewels... Or at least those that remained, knowing the criminal she was looking for was not the one to have taken them.

Who she is tracking is not really a criminal in the stealing sense... More like a murderer that can never be caught and all that is known about them it almost nothing: dressing in complete dark outfit that changes depending on the planet they pop up on, the only thing the same always it the whole head covering helmet in the shape of a wolf head and so that's why the IPC and the populous took up the title of Black Shuck to refer them, some old myth about a deadly dog at crossroads from amber eras ago or something.

Her eyes moved around, looking for a sign, something that would make a familiar feeling come through since, after all, she tends to forget thing which is why, rather than memories, she's accustomed to using emotions to capture what she normally wouldn't otherwise.

And she did.

It was faint, no one would really know unless they were Acheron, she was somewhat taught to look for it, how she remembered too always surprised her... It was not even feelings that made her do it tho they helped, it was outright knowing she needed... Seems like even THEY couldn't get everything out of her, she does still have a bit of color after all... Even aeons can't rip some things from humans if they truly hold into it with all of their strength.

It was like the slight glitching of the brick surface nearby... Only slightly since it didn't actually look like glitching but that was the closest to what she could describe it as at first glance. It was like the edges of reality were blurring, like the brick was... Not brick... It was not something different, it was bricks that were not, something that was and wasn't.

And it was almost a taunt left for her, a taunt to follow.

Following this trail, it was one mark the would fizzle out, but it being visible meant the closeness of the owner of it.

And she had some experience to be able to pinpoint the owner just by the shape and looks of these marks, by muscle memory able to filter out the info what such a blotch could give, it was like this: placing the mark and moving a meter to the right would result in a shift of its form but each time the same movements were repeated, always making the mark and moving a meter to the right would result in the same exact shift.

And so she lead herself to the roof of a dilapidated liquor store... How thematic... Wasn't it in a similar place they first met?

Holding the sword's hilt tho not pulling the scabbard off, she never did, hand over the hilt being flexed and ready to swing.

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