Topaz - Prada

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Request - no

Not a (Y/N) -  Randomly created OC for the story.

A warning: all I know from Topaz is her trailer, the half-skipped dialogue in Penacony and things said here and there... I haven't played much with her or looked into her or the IPC; take this with a grain of salt before you bitch at me if she is your fave and I mess her up... I just pulled her from a warp and Numby is my life, so cute lol.

 2011 words



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Ruby was not reaaaally lucky in life.

Always pulling the short straw in most choices.

For one, her home planet was gone, consumed by the swarm, and she only had a few memories around that time of her life she was so young.

She was forcefully volunteered to help out... Ruby is not even her real name, It is a surprise she remembers it even, but the cornerstone is a ruby so how else would people call her?

Inadvertently becoming a wanted criminal through actions not her own, just wrong place wrong time, at least the bounty is not high enough to be interesting... She thought she could use it to finally leave the IPC, she was never the one to want to work for them, but no, she still gets meeting reminders, calls and required missions.

She thought she had reached a somewhat... Somewhat, normal lifestyle when it was asked of her to stay on some Herta lady's space station to facilitate their cooperation... And now she was stuck baby sitting living desserts while the trailblazer was not around while running errands, controls and all.


Yeah, Ruby really didn't have it easy.

"No, no, no, nonononono!!" Launching herself over the table in a dive, arms held up as she knocked pens over and paper in the air but luckily caught the little cat cake that had been swinging on a ceiling light and had just fallen off... This trashcan looking one is always so much trouble.

She sighed, gently bonking her forehead on the messy table, her shoulder length faded red hair framing the scene... Dammit.

"Can you try to not kill yourself once?" She asked the little thing, picking her head up, silver earrings clinging slightly, orange eyes staring deep into the fake innocent ones' of the critter as she sat up.

She sighed, petting it on her lap, it felt odd on her bare skin, still not having gotten used to the living dessert's spongy feeling but it was partially sitting on her black skirt... Skort? That miss March 7th said something weird, a name for a skirt with a short underneath it... Bah, no matter.

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