Chapter 4

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Hot shot was currently in the hospital. Hot shot was soon going to start treatment for his brain cancer. Hot shot was kind of nervous but he was ready to be very brave. Hot shot wasn't know what to expect. But he knew that on Monday he was going to start radiation therapy. Hot shot watched the video about radiation therapy from the imaginary friend society to help him learn about it. Hot shot was able to understand about it through the way the friend explained it. Hot shot learned that radiation uses invisible medicine that he won't feel to zap away at his cancer and it would take a few minutes to help make it work. Hot shot was understanding that this was going to help him out. Hot shot learned he might feel weak and tired and his tummy might hurt. But his doctors will give him medicine to help him feel better. Hot shot also learned that he was going to lose his hair and it will usually grow back once treatment is over. Hot shot understood that this treatment was going to help him out in the long run. Hot shot was ready to fight cancer tooth and nail.

Hot shot was going to have a special kind of radiation called Proton radiation. It was a very advanced technique. It was going to help make sure the radiation only went to where the cancer was and not harm the rest of the brain. Hot shot was wondering what the experience was going to be like for him. He also had the staples from his incision removed. Hot shot didn't like the pulling sensation too much. It was very uncomfortable.

On Monday morning Hot shot woke up. Hot shot was a bit nervous. Hot shot even though he was scared he was ready to be very brave. Hot shot went into the proton therapy area of the nuclear medicine area. Hot shot was waiting his turn to go in. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino. Hot shot was wondering what the experience was going to be like for him. Hot shot was very curious about it. He got to see his friends there. Hot shot also saw some other kids there. Hot shot was kind of nervous about it.

Hot shot was with his mother today. She was going to be with him today. Hot shot knew his parents were taking shifts with him. Hot shot was glad whenever he got a shift with his mother or father. But he was sad to see the other leave. Hot shot was wondering if big feelings like sadness and anger were normal about this kind of thing.

Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said. It was now Hot shot's turn. Hot shot followed the nurse back. Hot shot met up with a radiographer. Her name was Lucy.

"Hello I am Lucy, where are you getting your proton beam therapy?" Lucy asked.

"My name is Hot shot and I am getting it to my head," Hot shot said.

"Okay," Lucy said. "We will ask this question every time you come here for proton beam therapy," she said. "it is for safety reasons." she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"It is also to make we get the device that is yours so that the therapy works properly," Lucy said. "It also makes it more comfortable for you and prevents the spread of germs from someone else's mask or cushion," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.  "Can Roxy come along?" he asked holding up Roxy. 

"Yes you can hold on to Roxy," Lucy said. "Just remember to stay still," she said. "You can also listen to music while getting proton therapy," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot went into the room where the proton therapy machine was, and he got on the bed. Hot shot laid down on it. Then she placed the mask on his head. Then it was clipped into place. 

Then Lucy moved the machine into position. "Okay the machine is in position." Lucy said. "We will have to move it to a different position as time goes on," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Then once it was in position she left the room. Then Hot shot heard the machine start up and he stayed nice and still. After several minutes the machine began to move again. Then it started up all over again. Hot shot stayed very still through out the whole process. Hot shot was doing a good job at it too. Then the machine stopped and Lucy came back into the room. Lucy then took off the mask. 

"There you go Hot shot you are all done for the day," Lucy said.

"That wasn't so bad," Hot shot said. Hot shot was feeling pretty proud of himself. Hot shot soon went to his room where he had his lunch. Hot shot was able to relax and play a bit for a while. Hot shot still had to take medicine. Hot shot felt kind of tired from the proton therapy but that was normal. He was okay with that. He knew it was going to be okay.

Hot shot was found himself getting bored a bit. Because in his room he could run out of things to do. Hot shot had to find ways to keep himself entertained. Hot shot was pretty busy at finding ways to keep himself busy with things. 

Hot shot knew he had more proton beam therapy for the next several weeks. So he was going to be busy most of the time with treatments. He was also going to be busy with getting check ups, taking medicine and getting tests done too. Hot shot had to make sure to do everything his doctors told him to do. Hot shot was going to be brave through it all. Hot shot had his parents with him to help him through this. Hot shot was going to fight his cancer hard and he was going to win too!

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