Clash of the Titans

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~Eleanor Wayne's POV~

Okay, let me back up a bit. Batman had just stopped Joker's scheme at City Hall that involved Gotham's current Mayor. I arrived to deal with some donation affairs with Wayne Enterprises and Arkham Asylum.

Just before he was taken to his cell in the Asylum, Joker broke loose and took control of the entire facility. Now, it's up to Batman and I to stop him before he hurts anyone beyond the island.

Batman and I followed the hallway, trying to chase after Joker. As we turned a corner, security guards laid dead along the path. My heart burned in anger.

"Everywhere that madman goes, death is sure to follow." Batman muttered under his breath.

My hand balled into fists. I can't believe I grew up with the psychopath of a man. But, I was very young, I didn't know any better.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, as we ran. The female voice alerted, "Warning. Security breach in level B-3. Warning. Security breach in level B-2. Warning. Security breach in level B8. Warning Security breach in level B-1."

A group of inmates arrived and tried to attack us, but Batman and I took them out with ease. We came to a two-way fork. The left one lead to a locked door and a security guard regaining consciousness, the right lead further into the hallway.

Batman and I walked to the security guard. He looked at Batman and asked, "What happened?"

"Joker happened. You're lucky to be alive." Batman answered.

"He must've gone this way." The guard replied, pointing to the door behind him, "Door's jammed. I'll try and get it open."

Then another voice spoke from the guard's radio, "We need help in Pacification. I repeat, we need backup in Pacification. Can anyone hear this?"

The guard tapped his radio and replied, "Can you hear me? I'm with Batman and Eleanor Wayne. Hello?"

"Where are they?" Batman asked.

The guard pointed down the hallway, "Back down that way. Do you need help?"

"No. I work better alone." Batman answered.

The guard was about to argue, but his radio went off again, "Zsasz is free! Oh, God. He's got Mike!"

My eyes widen with shock. I recognized the voice on the radio. Zsasz?!

Then there were screams and silence. The guard spoke into his radio, "Franklin, can you hear me? If you can, help's on the way."

I quickly grabbed Batman's hand and lead him down the hallway, toward Pacification.

Near the corner of the hallway, Batman activated his coms, "Oracle, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear. What's up?" A voice spoke from the other side.

Oracle, or Barbara Gordon, is Commissioner Gordon's only daughter. Caucasian female with ginger hair and green eyes. Barbara used to fight crime alongside Batman, Nightwing, Robin and I, as Batgirl. But, an accident, involving Joker, rendered her paralyzed from the waist-down. So, now she hides in secret and became the crime-fighting information broker, Oracle.

"Good to hear from you, Oracle." I greeted with a smile, then went serious, "Joker's escaped custody. He's running free in Arkham."

"Do you two need anything? Is my dad still there?" Oracle asked in genuine concern.

"Gordon is safe. Joker is not far ahead. We'll stay in contact." Batman assured.

The door ahead opened, allowing us entrance to Patient Pacification Chamber. Two officers were at the gate, shouting at someone.

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