8: Whispers of Truth

Start from the beginning

You wanted to walk towards San until you felt Mingi's grip on your lower arm, halting you from going any further. Now fully turning your head towards him, you could see the slight concerned look on his face, making you doubt your decision even more.

''I'm serious, Y/n,'' he said, his voice soft but earnest. ''San is just trying to get under your skin. You really don't have to prove yourself to him.''

You nodded, though you couldn't shake off the restless feeling inside of you, ''I know that, but I'll be fine. He's right anyway. If I want to survive out here, I need to know what it really feels like. I've been sheltered for way too long. It's time for me to face the reality of this world.''

You watched Mingi hesitantly letting go of you as you felt his hand slide down your arm. He took a few steps back as he nodded, seemingly trying to find his peace with your decision. You couldn't let yourself falter now, not even at Mingi's pleas. You had to do this. Backing out now only meant proving to San that you weren't capable, and that was the last thing you wanted.

Turning your head back to San, you almost scoffed as you saw his bored expression. He seemed so full of himself. Perhaps not in a cocky way, but in a way which showed you that he was counting on it for you to fail from the start. You couldn't let that come to be, not when you still longed for a sweet taste of revenge after the pinnacle that previously went down between you and him. You needed to show to him that you could be seen as a threat. No, you were a threat, no matter if you'd beat him in this fight. The Cordelia hung around your neck. You carried one of the most powerful artefacts the history of the Empire had ever known. It was time for you to speak up, to make your mark, and it would start with wiping that stupid expression off of his face.

''You done?'' He asked, raising an eyebrow in impatience as he crossed his arms, the sunlight catching the steel of his metal arm.

Taking a few steps forward until you were right across San, you held the sword with a tighter grip as you narrowed your eyes, ''I am.''

''Good,'' San said, cranking his neck before making his stance, ''Let's get to it then.''

You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him. He balled his fists, but there seemed to be nothing of steel in his hands, ''No weapon?''

San's lips curled into a smirk as he looked at you with piercing eyes, ''Why bother? You're hardly a beginner, and I've got this, anyway.''

You observed how he moved his metal arm, almost seeming to mock you. He knew that he was much more advanced than you and a lot more threatening with his arm for a weapon, but much like him, you carried one too. Although hardly metal nor part of your body, the Cordelia had proven to you that it could be used in your favour. You might not know exactly how to use it freely, but if it were to come to a situation wherein your life would be on the line, you hoped that it would not leave you hanging.

''Wait, before the two of you start,'' Yunho suddenly said as he walked towards the two of you, catching your attention, ''let's set a rule to avoid any serious harm. As the eldest here, I feel obliged to make sure you won't bite each other's heads off, so when someone goes down, that's it. The fight will be over. I'm sure Wooyoung is not looking forward to having to treat either one of you for serious injuries.''

You nodded to him though San only scoffed, remaining silent as Yunho went back to his position on the sidelines. It was almost as if you could feel Mingi's gaze burning on the back of your head, but you couldn't turn around to face him. San was too confident in himself, and even if you wouldn't be capable of winning the fight, you wanted to at least strike him once or twice.

''Alright,'' San said with a low tone, his gaze ever-so burning into you, ''show me what you've got.''

Sighing, you tried to ease the nerves that were starting to creep up on you. You couldn't lie that you were afraid, and as much as you tried to suppress it, it seemed to gnaw at you from the inside. You had never done anything like this and although you often thought to yourself how it would feel to let go, you were unsure if this was the right approach to do so. San outmatched you in skills, and the only thing that you could rely on were tactics you could only hope for San would fall into. Still, this is what you always wanted to do; to prove yourself that you were more than what people made you out to be. Beating San would mean making a stance for yourself, and with that in mind, you gathered yourself and took your position, the heavy sword held tightly in your hands.

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