Maki Self Improvement & Responsibility

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As they trudged through the gates of Jujutsu High, a thick blanket of silence smothered the group. Even Saitama, usually as dense as a neutron star, was uncharacteristically quiet.

Nanami's voice cut through the silence like a sharp knife. "Maki, Megumi, please escort Saitama to his room and make sure he stays put until I return."

Megumi nodded solemnly. "Consider it done, Nanami."

Saitama felt the urge to protest bubbling up inside him, but he bit it back. He knew he had messed up, big time.

"Alright," he muttered, resignation heavy in his voice.

They reached Saitama's room, and Megumi and Maki left him alone. Saitama shut the door behind them, feeling like a caged animal. He started pacing, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. He was pissed, but not at Nanami or the others. No, he was mad at himself for being such a clueless idiot.

Saitama sighed heavily, the weight of his newfound responsibilities bearing down on him like a ton of bricks.

"Ugh. Things used to feel so simple and easy not too long ago. What happened?" he mumbled to himself, the question lingering in the air like a bitter taste.

His mind drifted back to the days when life was all about being a hero for fun, chasing after powerful foes, and enjoying the little things like walks in the park and snagging deals at the grocery store. But now, everything was different. Now, he had people relying on him, looking up to him, expecting him to keep them safe.Hell, one of them even wanted his help to get stronger, which wasn't new thanks to Genos, but Maki actually had a human body, which meant Saitama's training methods might actually work for her.

He glanced out the window, noting the time: 12:00 pm. "Well, I've still got time until nightfall. Since I'm technically grounded from going anywhere," he muttered bitterly, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

With a resigned shrug, he turned his attention to the stack of manga on his desk, a gift from Gojo. "Guess I'll just lose myself in one of these for a while," he said, hoping it would provide some distraction from his current predicament.

As he lay on his bed, flipping through the pages of his manga, his thoughts kept drifting back to his conversation with Nanami and the students. "What a drag," he muttered, feeling the weight of his obligations pressing down on him like a leaden blanket.

Simultaneously, Maki and Megumi stood outside Nanami's office, enduring his stern lecture with bowed heads and contrite expressions.

"This is a serious matter," Nanami's voice echoed through the room, heavy with disappointment. "I've already informed the others about this, and if any of them are caught out there without supervision, the consequences will be severe."

"I understand, Nanami," Megumi replied, his voice tinged with remorse. "I apologize for my behavior. I'll be more attentive in the future."

Nanami's gaze shifted to Maki, his expression stern. "And you, Maki. You should have known better as a second-year student. You'll be confined to campus grounds for the rest of the week and expected to dress appropriately at all times."

Maki nodded, her voice trembling slightly. "Understood, Nanami."

"Very well. You're both dismissed," Nanami concluded, his worry evident in his tone. "Keep a closer eye on the others."

"We will, sir," Maki assured him.

As they left Nanami's office, Megumi and Maki walked silently to their dorm rooms. Once they reached the hallway, they stopped and faced each other, the weight of their reprimand heavy on their shoulders.

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