"Victor is here," I told him.

"Where?" He asked, looking back at the group of humans huddled together, but he didn't take his arm off me this time. It was the only situation where I didn't mind it.

"The guy behind the blond, middle-aged woman," I whispered to him. All the humans there were naked and on their knees. Their faces were masked with terror, and their eyes were wide and wandering, following one of those dark creatures who was keeping watch on them. "What are they going to do to them?" I asked even though I could guess the answer.

They were going to be sacrificed.

"They're going to extract their souls," Grim spoke under his breath, staring at the horrifying scene. His answer made a lot more questions pop into my head. I wanted to ask so many things, but first, Victor. I needed to get him out of there, including those other people trapped there.

"Fuck... we need to do something," I said, feeling the urgency and panic rise in me. However, Grim stayed acutely calm and collected beside me, watching the scene with a dark interest.

"Grim?" I whispered.

"We can't do anything now," He said.

"We have to," I pressed.

"We can't," he replied curtly as he pulled me back from the boulder before turning around and dragging me away altogether.

"No, wait! We can't just leave! Those people are in trouble! Victor's there too!" I hissed under my breath, but Grim wouldn't listen to me. I tried to struggle against him, but he put a stop to it all by throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, tracking his way back to where he had parked his car along with Karrson's.

I wanted to throw a fit and scream at him, but I gathered all my patience and bit my lips together to stop myself from doing so. But that didn't mean I wouldn't give him hell for abandoning those people there. They were all innocent and were going to die a death they didn't deserve. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't do something to help them. Even as Grim was taking me back, I felt so fucking guilty. I was on the verge of leaping off his arm and running back there.

As if sensing my thoughts, Grim's hold tightened on me. It made me want to fight harder, but I didn't. I tried to think it through calmly instead.

Of course, Grim wouldn't go there and help those innocent people who were about to get butchered because saving them wouldn't further his interests in any way. He was an Underlord, after all. Helping someone out of danger did not interest someone like him without any selfish reasons.

This reminder made me clench my jaw hard. I wanted to scream at him so bad. I couldn't believe he'd do something like this, even though I knew I shouldn't have been surprised by his bad behaviour.

"You're such a terrible person, Grim," I couldn't help but mutter under my breath. He halted for a second but continued walking soon after. I knew he had heard me, but he ignored what I had said for the moment. Tears burned my eyes. This was the man I had been paired with.

A fucking Underlord, the most selfish man I had ever come across on this earth. And I was supposed to be with him and fulfil the mate bond. Fuck that shit.

Whatever doubts I had about rejecting him in the past faded away. I knew what I would do and was very clear about it. I thought about how I would tell him I was done with him when I heard footsteps following us. It was Karrson. He hurried after Grim, casting us a suggestive look.

"What do you think?" He asked Grim, matching his pace. I waited for his answer intently.

"We cannot go there," Grim said curtly.

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