chapter 28

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“I don’t know if someone in your organisation talked or someone in mine did. My wife said years ago someone told her someone betrayed the family.  Now it looks like they were right.”

“Derek the fact they know what my son looks like and my family deals with information makes it more likely it’s someone from my family. Your predecessor had a lot on his plate before he died. The wheelchair changed him.”

“I heard.”

“Whatever you find out Derek don’t think too harshly of him. He was fighting to keep the country safe and to not allow his disability to change him.”

“I understand sir.”

“You once told me when and if you return to England to remind you that Hyde park is burning down.”

“Thank you for the reminder Donald. I wonder just how much of the organisation structure these people know about?  We have to change how we operate for a while. Only trust our families and run every staff member through a police database again.”

“I’ll let the others know to do that sir. Is there anything else you would like me to tell them sir?”

“I want all the ports block and no one is to use their real names when they are out and about. You didn’t have twin sons did you Donald?”

“No sir I didn’t and I want when this Blume is locked up I get to speak to him before your wife.”

“If he lives long enough for you to visit him in a cell.”

“I understand sir.”

Derek ends the call and hears a knock, “Who is it?”

“I have your coffee boss.”

“Come in,” Erica walks into the room with a tray with coffee and biscuits on it.

“Thank you, tell the prime minister I want him here in thirty minutes will you.”

“Will do boss.”

Derek thinks of the phrase Hyde Park is burning down and remembers why he decided to work at the police station.  When he almost finished his training with Jamie he found out about the corruption at the police station.  He remembers putting all the police officers through an international database. Several of them were originally from Italy, France and other places the organisation had a foothold. He didn’t think it was a coincidence so got a job there to see what he could learn.

People clearly knew about the organisation and it’s structure.  The fake Blume had been working at the hosptial for years and wasn’t caught. Derek calls Jordan, “Jordan I’m sure Erica has told you of the situation.”

“Yes sir she did I’m sorry I never thought Blume was a plant. Rawlings yes but not Blume.”

“What made you suspect her Jordan?”

“She was asking a lot of questions.”

“What kind of questions?” Ask Derek.

“When do we meet the big boss, who pays for the hospital. Why couldn’t normal people come to it   Those sorts of questions sir.”

Derek knew the questions Jordan was asked by the dead woman didn’t make any sense. It was a hospital and many of the people that worked there assumed it was a military hospital. So why would someone be asking about the structure of it and a big boss.

“Tell me about Blume,  Jordan. How long has he worked at the hospital?”

“Not very long sir two, three years tops.”

Strike one thinks Derek, Blume told him seven years.

“Carry on Jordan tell me everything you know about him.”

Jordan clears his throat and makes a funny noise.

Strike two thinks Derek.

“I’m sure he’s married with a child I haven’t met his family of course because we keep our private life private.”

Strike three thinks Derek since no one is suppose to know about their fellow workers lives.

“He’s been a good doctor so far boss and I know he’s graduated at the top of his class at Brown,” continues Jordan.

Derek’s interest was piped, Brown university was in the United States. “What else can you tell me Lee. You must’ve gone to the pub with him after work.”

Jordan happy that Derek is calling him by his first name doesn’t take notice of the very light tone in Derek’s voice.

“Oh gosh we have and I can tell you some stories. Blume is a riot when he’s drunk he can’t hold his liquor. One time me him and Rawlings went to the pub and she and I had to carry him out the pub I kid you not.”

Not wanting Lee to realise he just admitted to being friends with two people who was an enemy of the state. Derek loudly sips his tea and says, “Sorry I was helping myself to a biscuit. I didn’t here what you just said.”

He hears Lee breathes in and breathe out, “it doesn’t matter I was talking about some friends I knew from my university days.”

Derek text Erica to come into the room quietly. She does and he puts Lee on speaker phone so she hears the conversation. “You sound like you and them were really good friends,” says Derek.

“Yes we are. I remember we saw you crossing the street with Jamie years ago.”

He doesn’t know what Jamie looks like just like he doesn’t know what you look like sir, writes Erica on a notepad.

“Really that’s nice was my hair blonde then?” Ask Derek.

“Your hair was never blonde sir. It’s always been black. I know because whenever I visited my aunt. I would see you from afar.”

Call Jordan writes Derek to Erica. She does and he picks up on his other phone, strike four thought Derek. You gotten yourself another phone in less than twenty-fours hours.

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