The end nears

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The next day rolled around as the gang rushed through the jungle, in new suits to help them blend in, Lloyd led the way with Jay and Nya next to him

"You sure Cole and Zane wanted to stay back?." Lloyd asked

"Yeah, most of use stayed back in case the Anacondra warriors return to the temple." Jay said 

"Hey Jay... I'm sorry...

"It's fine Lloyd, Morro did what he had to do, it wasn't your fault, but we can't dwell on his death right now, he would want us to fight." Jay said as Lloyd nodded as the team kept pushing through the jungle

Back at the temple Cole worked on the boulder blaster as Zane walked up to him

"Cole? Are you alright?." Zane asked

"Yeah." Cole said to an unconvinced Zane

"You're lying." Zane said as Cole sighed

"Look, I'm just trying to find a way off this island." Cole grunted 

"We can't, if we find a way we risk letting Chen out to the world." Zane said

"But if we don't then we're stuck here forever!." Cole yelled at Zane 

"Cole I'm just trying-

"Trying to what?! annoy me!?." Cole asked irritated gaining everyone else's attention, Vania walked up to him

"Cole? Are you okay?." Vania asked trying to place a hand on his shoulder, but he glared at her

"Cole?." Vania asked heartbroken

"After everything we've been through, I loved you and you chose Morro?." Cole looked at her as Vania sighed

"I'm sorry, I just, Morro and I were alone together for a while and I just...

"Save it, you didn't care about me." Cole said as he turned around

"I didn't want to hurt you Cole, I still love you with every inch of my heart, no one can take that away from me, sure I said I had a crush on Morro, but your the man I love, I fell in love with you cause I love you." Vania said as Cole looked at her seeing the tears in her eyes

Cole walked up to her and rubbed her tears off her, Vania looked at Cole with sorrow and Cole back with the same, before kissing each other on the lips passionately 

"Romance, gah." Shade said pretending to gag, Zane pushed him away 

"Don't ruin the moment." Zane said as he watched them kiss 

Back in the jungle Lloyd looked around on the trees

"Anything?." Neuro asked Lloyd

"Nothing yet, but we will-

"Hey look at that, it's the DBX." Jay said as they ran up to it

"Chen must of left it here after he caught us." Nya said as she opened the entrance to the truck which was dark 

The gang walked inside where Nya turned on the lights, showing a tv in the centre of the truck

"Was that here before?." Toxica asked 

"No, it wasn't." Jay said as the Tv turned on showing Kai with his red eyes glowing  

"Kai!?." Nya yelled 

"Hello Ninja and others, I guess you're wondering what Chens master plan is don't you? Well too bad! You are not going to stop us, for when Chens master returns, it will be the end of all creation, and no one will stop us, but it isn't too late to join us, and don't worry, we'll be waiting." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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