One unfortunate blooming flower

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"The leaves haven't fallen yet. When I look out over the distant mountains, I feel so nostalgic that my heart disappears."

― Doppo Kunikida,

Italy, Caserta — 1792

It was a warm night like no other, darkness surrounding every inch of the area, leaving no room for light to shine through - although the skies were filled with beautiful small stars that illuminated over the city.

Dazai could feel the humid atmosphere suffocating him, his drenched clothing that clenched around him did nothing to ease his strangled breath as he climbed onto the dock.

It took him quite an embarrassing amount of time to finally get out of the water, starting to regret even acting on his known impulsive tendencies. When he finally managed to pull himself up, He laid there dumbly on the cold, now-wet, wood. Frustration currently piling up in his stomach that carried a similar feeling to swallowing a rock. Dazai took a while to catch the breather he so desperately needed, staring into the swallowing darkness.

Stargazing had always been a part of his nightly routine, just like his tendency to give into his longing urge and plummet down into the river below.

Chuuya, his one and only companion, would surely be exasperated by his antics, if he wasn't already. Alas, the rednette continued to involve himself in Dazai's questionable affairs. No doubt ready to yell at his flatshare when he finally arrived home, as if Dazai even dared to set foot in the poor excuse of shelter anymore. The house was filled with ugly-painted memories between him and the man, the cracks and holes in the walls just further proved his point and opinion on the place.

The redhead's presence in his life remained a mystery, one that Dazai doubted he would ever unravel, even if he knew that he could if he tried.

Dazai's face soured up looking at the wonderfilled skies, before his face melted slowly away into something more neutral. For once he didn't have the energy to put on a more pleasurable expression to view, not when nobody was looking, anyway.

Pushing aside those same infuriating thoughts of the man and putting all of his focus on the running thoughts inside his head. He simply concluded that he didn't want to have any distractions tonight, on such a delightful night. A wave of calmness covered him.

Dazai looked back towards the sky, slightly squinting his eyes to make out the most detail of something that would seem simple to the naked eye. His thunder of thoughts clashing against each other, and when his mind was finally able to clear, a single thought rang through his head.

ah.. such flawless view is sure to be worthy of capturing.

Only to slowly come to the realisation that he had, yet again, forgotten all his art equipment at home.

A sigh escaped his chapped lips while he acknowledged that even if he did bring his tools out to the dock, they would still be futile, deemed useless the second that Dazai plummeted into the water below the dock. One might assume that the people of this time would have the capability to produce paints and canvases impervious to water; however, it would appear that no one was interested in creating a better version of the creation of art.

Still, Dazai was determined not to miss the opportunity of making a star filled illustration, he hurriedly moved to get on his feet and made his way hastily off the wet dock, stumbling over a couple of rocks that seemed set on mocking his every step. Despite the obstacles, Dazai pressed on, eager to capture the beauty of the night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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