The Age Of Mutants

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A/N: Hello Wattpaders! I have a lot to explain but to Keep it short, Life has been a dick to me and I was trying to figure stuff out for myself and during the whole "No updates" I've been more or less brainstorming how I want to take my stories forward (specifically Dystopian Odyssey which you should go read if you haven't) and well I got a little present of my friend which is who the Mc is so Thank you to her! Back to the story




Fission-Ray Island.

At least that's what it's been called ever since 2007, this island have really been a crazy ride for most of us. At first, these Mutations would be slightly calm but then as time progressed and we grew older people started going insane and their mutations would get even worse then we'd be able to react and well despite efforts of those with abilities they just couldn't stand up to them until the M.E.C became a thing. The Mutant Extirpation Council essentially became our form of the government and basically tried to train those with abilities and those without how to defend and even kill against a Mutant, they even have schools for it and well they remind me of religious schools because although their main goal is to teach us about mutants and how to deal with them, they still talk about some weird prophecy on how a day will change the fate of our island for the better and we'll bring a new age of human evolution or something like that I never really remember but let's forget about that and focus on where we are now...

18:16 PM

The Scene booms with music and flashes of spray painting and sounds of a ball being bounced as we view a bunch of 16-17 looking teenagers play by what seems to be a basketball court as we view around 5 people messing about: a dark-skinned boy with his cap turned backwards covering his messy white hair with him wearing a black shirt and pants with colourful stains is seen spray painting a nearby wall as he debates whether a Purple or Vibrant red colour would work for what he wants to make, skipping over to the basketball players including a boy with a blue shirt with lightly tanned skin and Jean shorts facing two others with a bit of an confused expression, "I thought you said we had 4 players?" "We do, 1 2 4" The Boy who responds to the previously described is a boy slightly taller than him with glasses and a smirk that ticks the tanned one off as he gives up and says, "Dakota come over before I slap this man" Switching over to a dark-skinned girl with dreaded hair tied up into a bun with beads at the hanging ends, a cross necklace around her neck along with a matching earing and yellow eyes as she is seen wearing a regular black shirt and blue ripped jeans looking over from a little book she had in her had and a bit of a bored expression on her face as she gets up to stretch and says, "Alright"

The Matchup is made, The Girl named Dakota paired up with Glasses Guy and The Tanned Boy paired up with another boy wearing a dark green shirt as he passes the ball over to her and says, "Aight game start!". The Game goes smoothly with Glasses Guy getting guarded by Dark Green shirt and him being forced to pass over to Dakota who with full confidence begins to make a run for the hoop only to be guarded by Tanned boy, "Oh come on! what you got? What you got Dakota?" She doesn't give him the time of day as she recites a verse, "Philippians 4:13; I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me! oop! Too much room Trent! Water!" Dakota makes a sudden step back as she shoots the ball over his head and into the hoop, who the boy now known as Trent responds negatively about, "You're not even religious! What are you yapping about!?" Dakota's response is a simple laugh

The Next Round began with Glasses Guy trying to make it through Green shirt's defense however he is quickly denied at every turn as he grew too desperate and instead passes to Dakota who meets up with Trent for another game of cat and mouse, "Yea try that shit again, making it through me is impossible" Dakota responds with another verse, "Daniel 12:3 With Man this is impossible, but not with God, All things all things are possible, Oh! I'm too spicy!" Dakota with insane finesse moves through Trent and dribbles the ball all the way to the hoop and dunks it hitting her chest as a celebration with Trent responding, "You didn't even recite the correct verse! You mixed them up!" "Run it back then! Try and get a point Pussy Boy!" Dakota throws the ball at Trent with him catching it as they begin the third round

This round went as you would've expected however with a bit of surprise, Dakota has the ball once again and her ego gets the better of her, to show her superiority with Basketball, she closes her eyes and dribbles the ball backwards feeling herself up boasting about how she simply can't be guarded by those trash bags that dare gain the audacity to call themselves players and before she could talk more hot shit, she bumped into Spray Can and accidently causes Him to mess up his painting, which Trent took the opportunity to make fun of, "Can't be guarded but apparently a can of paint can" "That was a disgusting diss and you know it", Dakota throws back Trent's ball as he brushes it off and says to the other three they should leave so that they don't get yelled at as the girl helps up her friend and apologises, "My Bad, I was too into the game" He dusts off his cap as he gets up and says, "It's nothing bad, besides I wouldn't have expected you to not feel yourself a lil' too much at some point, I just didn't think it'd mess up my art" Dakota looks back and sees how one of the letters has a screwed up cross over it which she merely says, "You can always improvise Dante" "Not so simple but whatever..." Dante simply looks at his phone as he says, "It's around ten to 7 aren't you supposed to be at home?" Dakota's smile immediately drops as she slouches over and sighs, "Going home? Sounds like endless Preaches about Mutants and whatever else they preach in the churches nowadays" "Yea but it's beginning to get dark and you know what they say about the night, That's where the true monsters come out" Dakota had made a mental note to tune out her friend whenever he was talking about The M.E.C's principles, it all sounded like endless and might she add useless information, if she really cared about Mutants she'd go out there and slaughter them herself but as you can see,  she doesn't do that for now at least.


"The Monster and Human are not separate creatures, They are one" - Pastor Kalix


The Place you call home stares at you with its almost condescending height and vibe of Pretentious Faith, a symbol for mutant halls above in the church glass as you walk down the little pathway to the door and open it with yourself mentally prepared for the daily yap- preaching that they do every time and well to your surprise you see three people instead of two, "Pastor Trek?" Dakota says out loud as the three finally look up and see that she's finally arrived as the Mother says, "Dakota! I'll forgive your lateness for this once because we have a surprise for you!" The two parents grab their confused daughter to a place where they can speak privately as the Trek the pastor waits patiently. 

If Dakota were asked how her relationship with her parents was, she'd answer complicated. They seem so odd to her in a sense, they obviously have their a bit too religious obsession due to the M.E.C and well they always kept  a close eye on her and tried to make sure she knew and studied the ways of Mutants as the practice has been dubbed and well due to Dakota's constant passive aggressive rebellion they've had to yell at her constantly and well Dakota couldn't care meaning that the process would repeat for so long that Dakota eventually just learned to tune out the lectures. The Girl sits on her bed as she asks her parents a question, "So what were y'all talking about with Tr-" The parents don't let her finish as the father says, "That's not important right now, how are you?" "I'm..fine I guess? What's happening?" the Mother showing Eagerness equal to the father says, "So you know how close The M.E.C are with us yea?" The Mother says with Dakota, responding with a little joke, "Yea I know how close the Mec are" The two look at her and are about to scold her but they stop as they just decide to get straight to the good parts, with exuberance and Babbel they say to her, "Well after assessing that a rise in Raging Mutants have been roaming around for too long, We've decided that we'll enlist you into the Program!"...

"What?" "Yea, we've decided to properly enlist you to the training program! You'll not only be able to protect yourself from Mutants, but you'll learn more about our Faith!" Dakota just had more reason to not say yes to this program, why would she bother with a bunch of creatures which she knew how to avoid and not bother and second, why would she give two jacks about a faith that does nothing for her? The Expression she makes doesn't go unnoticed by her parents as the father says, "As much as you may have your grievances with our lifestyle and choices but trust us, this will be good for you, besides think about all that the Father has done for us we owe him this much at least" Your child? Dakota just sighs and says, "Fine, guess I'll do this weird thing you want from me what do I get out of it?" "Our Love" The parents say unironically with Dakota just sighing and taking them out of her room.

The child sits there on her bed as she looks outside her window and stares at the city, its lights turning out as shadows zip past indicating that mutants have finally decided to spring to life as she thinks and ponders...maybe fighting mutants won't be so bad, it gives her an excuse to let out any pent-up emotion she may have so hell might as well make it fun, a smile unconsciously grows on her face as she gets into Pyjamas and gets into her bed, "Tomorrow, I'll have to meet up with everyone before I head to the place I'm about to become the Hero of Fission-Ray, quite the title if I do say so myself" with her bragging rights secured and ego high she closes her eyes and sees her world be filled with a greenish liquid before darkness...

"Praise The One who shall send us to Salvation, to spread our word to the world, to bring about an Age where human evolution sees heights greater than our ever-expanding universe, an Age of the supernatural, The Exodus New Year" - Michael

Till Next Chapter...

A/N: New Story guys, let's hope I treat this with as much love as I do Dystopian Odyssey and try and be frequent with updates on both stories! Till next time everyone Thank you for reading and your patience!

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