Donnie X Reader: Importance

Start from the beginning

"I get that." You mumble as you look at him. Raph moves quickly and pins you down completely and you knew you lost. His sais had your small wrists pinned - without hurting them of course - and he straddled you. Honestly if someone walked in right now they'd think less of you two training and more of your two flirting - which is what Raph had wanted.

 Just then Donnie walked in to come get Raph to say that they were leaving to go help out April. When Donnie saw you underneath Raph he got mad - and he didn't know why. Why did the fact that you and Raph were in the training room like that upset him? It was worse than how he felt when April was with his brothers.

"Raph, come on. We have to go help April. Stop messing around with (y/n). This is important." He said, sounding more upset and angry than anyone had ever heard the purple masked turtle. Raph winks at you subtly and you blush a bit as he gets off of you and then helps you up.

"Calm down Donnie. Just showing (y/n) training can be fun, right (y/n)?" Raph replies and looks at you. You blush a little more but nod, only adding to Donnie's anger. Though you were blushing more because Donnie was in the room more than because of what Raph said.

"Thanks for sparring with me Raph. See ya when you get back, Donnie." You say a little quietly as you walk out of the dojo and then go back to Donnie's lab to mess around with random objects that you found around the place.

With you gone, Donnie glared at Raph. "What were you doing with (Y/n), Raph?" He growls at his brother.

The turtle with the temper smiled a bit smugly and shrugged, "We were just sparring, Donnie. There's no need to worry about it now is there? You're chasing after April, I might as well have a bit of fun with (Y/n). She doesn't seem to mind." He says, just trying to test his brother's patience. For once he was glad he was the one in control of his temper and collected Donnie was not.

"You can't jut play with (y/n)'s feelings Raph! She is a sweet girl and she deserves better than a mutant turtle who has a temper and doesn't care about her safety!" Donnie replies angrily as they walk back into the main room where everyone else except Splinter and you were at.

"Raph, Donnie, what's going on?" Leo asks as he looks at Donnie's angry face and Raph's smug one.

Everyone knew you had a crush on Donnie. Everyone except for Donnie himself. Even April knew. She found out when you got upset with her for leading Donnie on. Mikey found out because you chose to hang out with Donnie instead of go skate-boarding with him and he realized why when you blushed about Donnie and Leo knew because Leo is good at telling things like that.

"Nothing. Everything is all good." Raph says with a smirk, and automatically everyone had a bit of an idea of what had happened and they all rolled their eyes at Raph's words and Donnie's cluelessness.

"Alright, let's go then." Leo says.

The turtles and April leave the lair to go out and find out about April's dad. When they came back, Donnie looked really beat up, Leo looked exhausted, Raph looked annoyed, April looked disappointed, and Mikey looked like Mikey.

You look up from the couch. "Oh hey guys, back al-Donnie are you okay?!?" You jump up when you see Donnie and rush over to him. All of the others looked at you and you blushed a little but ignored them as you focused on the intelligent turtle.

"I'm alright, (Y/n)." He groaned out.

You look at Leo, "What happened?" You ask. He explains that they had a run in with the Kraang and Donnie had been so lost in thought he got pretty banged up. Everyone except you understood why he was so lost in thought and it was why Raph was annoyed, because technically it had been his fault.

"Oh..." You say softly and nod and they all wonder if you understood, but you didn't. "I promise I didn't mess up the retro-mutagen, Donnie." You assure him and he sighs, as well as the others. Sometimes you were too clueless.

You took care of Donnie while the others left to do their own little things. You had gotten him into his room and you stayed with him while you took care of him. "You have to be more careful." You chide him gently as you look at him.

"(Y/n), why were you pinned under Raph??" Donnie asks, and you wonder why he cared so much about it.

"We were sparring and he pinned me down like always." You reply honestly as you gently dab his cuts with a wet rag.

"And that's it? You weren't doing.. uh.. anything.. else?" He asks, clearly looking upset about this.

"Was that what was bothering you when you left?" You ask, confused as to why he would care. It didn't make sense. Though April was a bit upset with him, because if he hadn't been so lost in thought they would have gotten her dad back.

Donnie blushed a little in embarrassment but he didn't deny it. "I couldn't stop thinking about it. I didn't like it.." He admits as his eyes meet you (e/c) ones.

You roll your eyes slightly as you look down at Donnie. Since his bed was so small you were straddling his plastron and cleaning his cuts. "Oh yes, because I totally have a crush on Raphael, the one turtle with a massive temper and no regard to people's feelings." You reply sarcastically.

"But if you don't like Raph then why didn't you push him off of you?" Donnie asked.

"Because we were just sparring, and he literally pinned me down like three seconds before you walked into the dojo, Donnie. Why does it matter to you anyways? All you think, eat, and breath is April this and April that." You reply.

"That's not true!" Donnie protested and you rolled your eyes.

"It is so true. You don't even realize what is right on top of you because of April. It's always about being April's hero and hanging out with April and April this and April that." You say as you look at Donnie, hurt in your eyes. That's when he realized everything. You liked him, and every time he ever hung out with you he brought up April and maybe you could help him hang out with April or does April ever talk about him. He felt like a massive jerk.

His large green hand reached up to caress your face gently, and you nuzzled against it automatically. Donnie's eyes widened a little at the reaction, but then they went soft. "(Y/n), I had no idea.." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"No. You didn't. You weren't suppose to." You reply as you look at Donnie and then close your eyes and sigh a little.

"(Y/n)...." Donnie began, looking at you gently. He sat up more, causing you to slide down onto his lap gently. His hand tilted your face up to look at him and the gap between his teeth when he spoke. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he looks at you.

"I'm not the oh-so-great April O'Neil. I am not important to you." You reply with a small shrug of your shoulders. Donnie's eyes widen at your words. Did you really think that you were not important to him? Then he realized it must have been easy for you to think that because of the way he always went to save April no matter what Leo's instructions were.

"Don't ever think you're not important to me, (Y/n)." Donnie said softly. He was still trying to get over the fact that a human girl like you actually liked a mutant turtle like him. "You mean a lot to me, (Y/n)." He says as he leans his head down and kisses your cheek. You blush and smile a tiny bit as you look at Donnie.

"Really?" You ask, clearly getting happy and excited. When Donnie nods his head you smile brightly and wrap your arms around his neck, leaning forward so suddenly Donnie felt back on the bed, his arms immediately wrapping around your smaller body to keep you from falling. You press a shy kiss to his lips and blush even more, causing Donnie to blush too.

"Really, (Y/n)." Donnie replies sincerely as he looks up at you, looking into your bright (e/c) eyes that were shining with joy. You hung out with him while he was resting and ended up falling asleep in his arms like that, just you and him.

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