Chapter 1. (Backstory)

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   It was all because of one wrong experiment. In a science lab in New York City, a scientist was performing experiments on a few willing human participants.
    The scientist was injecting bacteria that were supposed to make the human body invincible. With a few side effects.
   But with one participant, he reacted differently than the others. He grew pale, and his skin took on a blue ish color. His eyes turned a grotesque black with white dots. And he began muttering intelligible words.
   Then he bit the other participants.  And it started the apocalypse. Thousands of people died that day. And hundreds of thousands after that. Now, only a few thousand people are left.
   I'm lucky to be one of them. I was in my apartment when the apocalypse first started. It was said to be an outbreak of a new virus that would easily be contained. Until then, it was recommended to stay at home.
   And then all the internet stopped working. By then, it was figured that it wasn't just some virus. It was a pandemic. People all over the world were being affected.
   And it wasn't just the Deadlies that killed. Humans did, too. Paranoia and fear were most people's undoing.
   People began forming small groups. Families and close knitted friends often formed groups. But they also died quicker. Strangers who formed groups and didn't have any previous connections--at least, not enough to feel much if anyone got bit--lived longer.
   Some preferred to fly solo, like me. There are some pros and cons of that, however. The pros are that you don't have to worry about people slowing you down. You also don't have to share your resources, and you can move whenever you want.
   The cons are that nobody's there to watch your back while you sleep. There is nobody to help you. You are completely and utterly, alone. It's hard, flying solo. But it is also so much easier.
   I was a very sensitive and emotional girl. That's not me anymore. I learned real fast that if you wanted to survive, you had to have little to no emotion and have a very strong will.
   I found an empty notebook in once of the stores I raided a few months back. I'm deciding to open it and write in it now for whoever finds this.
   I'm Lillian Rose, and this is my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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