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**Moonlit Duel of Hearts**

(Verse 1)

Underneath the full moon's glow, they stood

The Assassin and the Prince, misunderstood

Their swords clashed in a dance of fate

Both fighting for a love so great


Moonlit duel of hearts

Two souls torn apart

But in the night's embrace

They find their saving grace

(Verse 2)

The Assassin's blade shimmered in the moon's soft light

While the Prince's heart yearned for what was right

Their battle was fierce, their passion unbound

In each other's eyes, love was found


Moonlit duel of hearts

Two souls torn apart

But in the night's embrace

They find their saving grace


Their conflict born of ancient lore

But their love was worth fighting for

In a world where rules divide

Their hearts dared to collide


Moonlit duel of hearts

Two souls torn apart

But in the night's embrace

They find their saving grace


As the dawn breaks, their battle ends

The Assassin and the Prince, no longer enemies, but friends

For under the full moon's watchful eye

They begin their happily ever after with a sigh

Canzoni sotto la Luna PienaWhere stories live. Discover now