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**Shadow Dance**

Verse 1:

In the shadow of the moon's embrace

Two souls locked in a deadly chase

The Assassin's target is the Prince

But they both feel the love intense


Dancing in the darkness, a dangerous ballet

Their hearts intertwined in an endless fray


The Prince's dream is the Assassin

Their love a game of power and trust

One seeking freedom, one seeking redemption

Their destinies forever fused

Verse 2:

The moonlight shining on their faces

As they move in each other's embraces

The thrill of the hunt, the longing for touch

In this twisted love, they both feel so much


Lost in the shadows, they find their light

In this forbidden dance, they take flight


The Prince's dream is the Assassin

Their love a game of power and trust

One seeking freedom, one seeking redemption

Their destinies forever fused


Caught in a web of secrets and lies

Their love a storm in the disguise

In the silence of the night, they surrender

To a love that's both beautiful and tender


The Prince's dream is the Assassin

Their love a game of power and trust

One seeking freedom, one seeking redemption

Their destinies forever fused


In the darkness, they find their way

In the shadow dance, they both sway

Their love a bond that can never sever

In this twisted world, they find forever

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