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**Shadow of Desire**

(Verse 1)

In the shadow of desire

Where the line between love and hate is dire

The Assassin's Target is the Prince's Heart

But the Prince's Dream is the Assassin's Heart


Oh, the tangled web we weave

In a dance of passion and deceit

Two souls entwined in a game of art

As the shadows deepen, tearing us apart

(Verse 2)

Whispers in the night, secrets in the dark

The taste of danger, leaving its mark

The Assassin's Target, a dangerous spark

The Prince's Dream, a flame in the dark


Caught in a web of forbidden desire

Fueled by passion, a burning fire

The lines blur as the story unfolds

In this tale of love and woe untold


Oh, the tangled web we weave

In a dance of passion and deceit

Two souls entwined in a game of art

As the shadows deepen, tearing us apart


In the shadow of desire, we find our fate

Bound by love and fueled by hate

The Assassin's Target, the Prince's Heart

In this twisted dance, we play our part

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