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**Shadow Love**

(Verse 1)

In the dark of the night, they dance their deadly game

The Assassin and the Prince, both burning with flame

One fights for power, the other for the thrill

Their destinies intertwined, against their will


Oh, Shadow Love, a dangerous art

The Assassin's quest is to capture the Prince's heart

But little does he know, the Prince yearns for the same

Dreaming of a love that bears no name

(Verse 2)

With every step they take, their bond grows deep

Secrets and whispers, promises they keep

The moonlight reveals the truth they can't escape

Their love forbidden, a risk they both take


Oh, Shadow Love, a dangerous art

The Assassin's target is the Prince's heart

But hidden in the shadows, a dream starts to bloom

The Prince craves the Assassin's heart to consume


Caught in a web of love and deceit

Their hearts entwined, in a dance so sweet

The Assassin's blade, the Prince's charm

In the depths of their souls, they cause each other harm


Oh, Shadow Love, a dangerous art

The Assassin's dream is the Prince's heart

As the night fades away, their love will remain

In the shadow's embrace, forever they'll reign


In the realm of darkness, where passion ignites

The Assassin and the Prince unite

Their love a mystery, a tale of fate

In Shadow Love, they'll find their true state

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