Chapter 1-4

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Falloni POV:

A lot has been on my mind lately. I have now been sober for 1 month. I still smoke weed but no longer on the pills. The withdrawals have been horrible.

Mr. Anderson walks around the class handing out graded papers. "Meet me after class please"

Mr.Anderson is going over our next unit

A new girl comes in. She appears to be pregnant but I don't want to assume.

"We have a new student. Please welcome Trinity." Everyone starts to whisper.

I move my bag out of the way so she can sit.

I smile, "You can get pictures of my notes. You didn't miss much."

"Thank you." she takes pictures of everything.

Mr. Anderson continues with the lesson.

"We will be doing a group project and it's 75% of your grade. So partner up." Mr. Anderson shouts.

I look around. Everyone is already grouped off. I prefer to do this by myself but I can't.

I go to Trinity. "You want to work together.?"
I ask her. She shrugs. 

"Put your number in your my phone. We can work on the project after school or whatever. Just send me the link to the google doc."
Trinity hands me her phone.

The bell rings.
I try to sneak out. But Mr. Anderson stops me.
"Shit" I roll my eyes.

" I wanted to talk to you about rejoining the debate team next year. You were one of my top debaters and I think you can make nationals."
He says. "Let me think about it okay."

I walk towards the vending machine and see Trinity who appears to be lost

"You need help" I ask.
"Yes, I'm looking for room 215" "ooh that's my next class.You can follow me."
I go to the vending machine. "You want a snack or something." I get a few bags of chips and hand her one. "Thank you" she says. She rubs her belly.

Me, Tahj and Kayla are all sitting at the lunch table. I just scroll on my phone.

"The bitch bit my dick on purpose" Tahj yells. "she saw my text message from Tina" I just shake my head and laugh.

Kayla start rubbing my thigh "You good" she whispers in my ear.
I nod.

"So lil bit we going to theatre in the park tonight.You want to go." Kayla asks " have to check in with my mama but sure".


Mommy 🤎🤎: Thank you for taking Mikey to school. Have a good day. love you ❤️
7:00 am

love you
7:10 am
Can I hang out with Tahj and Kayla after school

Mommy 🤎🤎: Yeah because you never go outside anymore.

I tell them she said Yes. "Finally, Let's get the bill" Kayla bounces her shoulders.

"You see the new girl" I heard she got pregnant by her dad.
"Why are you being messy" I say to them. I roll my eyes.

The bell rings...

I got to the bathroom and relieve myself. When I get done washing my hands. In walks Bianca and her crew. I begin to tense up already knowing what's about to happen. I try to leave but the door is locked. I do what I do best and try to swing. At least I'm going down fighting.

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