Swim Class

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It's been about a week since the entrance ceremony and it was a normal day for Hitomi.

Yamauchi: Hey Ike!

Ike: Hey Yamauchi!

Hitomi (thoughts): What's got them so excited?

Yamauchi: Man I couldn't sleep a wink last night! I was too excited!

Hitomi was confused. Was something happening today?

Hitomi: Horikita, is something happening today?

Horikita: We have our first swim class.

Hitomi: Oh... That's why those two are excited...

Horikita: What are you not excited about it?

Hitomi: I'm indifferent.

Horikita: Well at least you aren't a pervert.

Hitomi: Bare minimum stuff I know i'm amazing.

Horikita: You're annoying not amazing.

Hitomi: Thanks.

Ike: Hey Hitomi come here! 

Hitomi walked over.

Yamauchi: Hey man! We're betting on the girls tits! Who's your bet.

Hitomi: I'm sorry you're doing what?

Ike: Betting on who's got the biggest knockers man!

Hitomi: Uh... Why?

Ike: Cause we're guys! All we have on our minds all day is ass and tits!

Hitomi (thoughts): Is this really how boys my age think? Maybe what's happened to me has made me Asexual.

Hitomi: You do know you're committing sexual harassment right? That's not just a detention or something. That's a whole crime.

Yamauchi: Don't be such a prude man!

Hitomi: You guys are weird and disgusting.

He left and went back to his desk.

Horikita: I'm glad you aren't getting involved with them.

Hitomi: Yeah they're gross.

Horikita: So you're not the least bit interested in seeing your female classmates bodies in a swimsuit?

Hitomi: Meh. Not really.

Horikita: Or you a homosexual or something?

Hitomi: Seriously? That's your assumption? No I'm not, I'm just not a pervert.

Horikita: Well good. If you were I would've had to fix you.

Hitomi: Wow you care that much?

Horikita: Please. I just don't want my seat mate being a disgusting pervert.

Hitomi: Whatever you say.


It was lunch now and Hitomi realized he forgot to bring a drink. He gets up to go to a vending machine.

Kushida: Hey you're Hitomi right?

Hitomi turned to his left to see Kushida talking to him.

Hitomi: Yeah you're Kushida right?

Kushida: Yes! Oh my goodness i'm so glad you remembered my name!

Hitomi (thoughts): This girl is weird.

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