Boma was not surprised to see a beautiful home complete with a pool and parking lot. The rich would always be comfortable and live in luxury, she thought.

She didn't fail to notice the two children swimming in the pool. A boy and girl around ten years of age. They were splashing water at each other's faces aggressively

and it looked like they were fighting rather than having fun.

They didn't seem to notice the car parking under the roof of the parking lot. So engrossed were they by the fight.

Boma recalled them from the family portrait she had seen in Donovan's room back at school.

Donovan saw what they were doing and swore under his breath as he killed the engine and exited the car.

Boma let herself out of the car, watching in confusion as he stormed towards the pool. The children noticed him approaching and she could see the surprise and fear in their eyes as they realized what was happening.

Abandoning their fight, they hurried out of the pool.

"Walk straight to me as you step out," Donovan ordered.

Boma followed behind Donovan and noticed the resemblance between the children. It looked like they could be twins. The girl started to cry as she pointed at her brother.

"It was Josh who said we can swim," she reported.

"She's lying." Josh refuted. "You're lying Jane, you're lying." he insisted, turning on her.

" Six lashes for the both of you." Donovan declared. " Go to the study room and wait for me."

They turned and raced into the house in tears.

Boma's heart thudded and she was speechless as Donovan faced her.

" Josh and Jane are twins. My parents are abroad and they let me know that those kids have been banned from using the pool this month due to fighting which is not allowed in this house. I have to come for weekends frequently now to keep an eye on things. "

"They are cute. "

" Thanks but don't let their cuteness deceive you. They are little terrorists. "

They heard giggles and were surprised as a girl around Boma's age emerged from the side of the house and spotted a garden. Boma also recalled her from Donovan's family portrait.

She was currently kissing a guy around her age and he had his hands all over her.

Upon noticing them, the couple hastily separated.

"Big brother," she exclaimed, surprised to see him. Then she took a fearful step back as he glared at her. She also tried to lengthen her short skirt that barely covered her butt.

"Who is this?" Donovan pointed at the boy.

"He is my... my boyfriend."

"You're sixteen."

"I'm an adult in some countries."

Donovan stormed towards the boy and punched him. He groaned in pain, his eyes alarmed.

"Get the hell out of this property. I don't want to see you here again. If I see you with her again, you will regret it."

Afraid, the boy ran away towards the gate where the security let him out.

The girl started to cry. "I hate you."

"Get your ass inside the house before I lose my mind and kick your butt." Donovan threatened.

The girl looked at Boma. "What did you see in him?" she asked wonderingly before storming towards the house.

"You better lose that stupid skirt before I kill you," Donovan told her as she stormed off.

Donovan raised his voice to a stern military tone that frightened Boma. " Stand there, I'm talking to you."

His sister stopped and turned to give him her attention.

" You're grounded," he informed her. " Now you can go." The girl burst into tears and continued storming off, disappearing into the house.

Boma stood there shocked. She felt like she had walked into a war zone.

Donovan grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. "That was my younger sister," he said. "Her name is Sharon and she can be a drama queen."

"She looks...she looks a bit older than sixteen. "

" You can say that again. Now, let's get inside. We are sharing my room. "

Boma panicked. " Don't you have a guest room? "

"I want you with me, so forget the guest room. "

" But I don't want... " she began to protest.

" Shut up. " he interrupted and started leading her by the hand towards the brawny door of the house.

The prevalent thought in Boma's mind was how everyone in the house seemed to hate and fear him at the same time and how she also felt the same way about him. She could not wait to contact Fidelis.

Donovan(Complete)- Undergoing Editing.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora