Sleepy Cat And Loud Bird Bring New Kids To The Valley

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Aizawa's POV: A month later.

I was on patrol, it was late, but that's the life of an underground hero; you work at night and still have to be awake in the day. I wished the city worked like the Valley, letting those who work at night sleep during the day. I couldn't wait for my patrol to be done; I had already stopped some muggers, drug deals, and the like and just wanted to be able to get back home to my husband. I kept an eye and ear out as I hopped over rooftops and jumped over alleyways, listening for anyone who needs help or if I need to stop something. So far, nothing much was happening; it was a calm night, so that was good—fewer villains or criminals out.

I thought about the kids as I kept an eye and ear out, how they were in this situation because of greedy people who forgot our roots and that we all came from quirkless people in the past. I wished that life was better for them and all the children and even adults that faced discrimination for their quirks—or lack thereof. Kami, we need better people in this world. I am just glad that me, my husband—and even Nezu, that demon rat—can help them. I started to help teach them more than just schoolwork, well, the big kids anyway. I want the little ones to have fun and learn before they start to train. It helps that we can get things for them, and that it helps the kids in the long run for where they live. I thought as I remembered the platforms me and Zashi were shown after the storm, how they planned for things like that make me very happy that they try to think ahead and be ready for anything.

I heard something move in an alley that I was about to reach and slowed down, making sure to make as little sound as possible, and looked over the edge to see if it was anything I needed to deal with. What I saw was a group of kids—'big kids' if they were in The Valley. I don't see any obvious quirks, so there's a possibility that they might not have quirks. I'll have to see. I jumped down behind them— they were digging in a trash can, possibly for food—without making a sound before speaking. "Hey, what are you looking for?" I asked, trying not to sound threatening. They all whipped around to look at me; there were five kids in this group, two girls and three boys, around 12 years old.

"Who are you?" One of the boys asked wearily as he placed himself in front of the others. He had what I think are brown eyes and red hair.

"I am a passerby, wondering why a group of kids are digging in a trash can," I said, still not letting on I was a pro. It might not be a good idea to let them know that.

"That's none of your business," the boy snapped at me, clearly not trusting me.

"Tell me, what are your quirks?" I said bluntly, mentally thanking the kids and Nezu for teaching me to see their body language to see if they were quirkless or not based on that question.

They all stiffened. "Our quirks are none of your concern, just leave," the boy said, still putting himself in front of the others with a warning tone.

"What if I said that I help quirkless? And know a spot that has many of them and they are living free from quirks?" I said to see how they would react to that. And as I expected, they didn't seem to trust me. "I can tell you don't believe me, but I am not lying. I do not like how the commission is treating you just because of a gene factor," I continued to speak.

"Oh yeah? If you have a place, give us what it is called," the boy said with a snarky tone.

"They call it 'The Valley' as it is by—and is basically in—a valley. They have groups that work: hunters, gatherers, a healer, builders, and depending on when you work the best, you can be a 'day person' that is awake and works during the day, or a 'night person' that is awake and works during the night," I said without hesitation, showing I was being honest.

They all seemed to be thinking about it for a bit and quietly talked to each other—one of them always keeping an eye on me. I couldn't hear what they were saying—not that I was trying; I knew to let them have privacy. The boy turned to me. "And we would be safe? From anyone with a quirk?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, well, me and my husband will visit. We teach them things you would learn at school. I also teach the 'big kids,' which are the older kids. They also call us with quirks 'quirked,' so it's easier," I said with honesty before asking, "may I know your names?" I asked.

They hesitated before introducing themselves.

"I am Amia, Quinn," the boy who had himself between me and them, his red hair in a messy style but still short. His brown eyes staying on me.

"I'm Kami, Nina," a girl with light purple hair that was in a braid over her shoulder, with almost black eyes, said.

"I'm Zorya, Amori," a boy with long white hair that went to his waist, with dark green eyes, said, keeping an eye on me as well.

"Oren, Opal," a boy with light brown hair and honey-colored eyes said, staying close to 'Quinn.'

"And I am Rosu, Luna," the last one—a girl—said. She had black hair that went just above her shoulders and pale blue eyes. She was standing behind the others.

I nodded, showing I was listening before speaking, "it's nice to meet you, Quinn, Nina, Amori, Opal, and Luna," I said, bowing my head. I could hear them make sounds of confusion, so I looked back up before continuing, "they don't use last names in 'The Valley,' so I figured I would call you by your given names so you could get used to it. But before we go, let me call my husband so you have more protection on our way there," I finished as I pulled out my phone and called Zashi.

"Hey 'Zashi, I found five more for the kids," I said before telling him where to meet me and the kids. I turned to them. "He is on his way; we will have to walk. It's safer for them in 'The Valley,' so I hope you are ready for a walk," I said.

We waited for about fifteen minutes before I heard my husband call for me. "Shou!"

I turned to him, then back to the kids. "He's here; let's get you to your new home," I said and led the kids to my husband so we could walk them to 'The Valley.' It was a quiet walk, and after a bit, we made it to the forest. We walked in a bit before I whistled farther into the forest. We stopped with the kids with us still. It didn't take long for the night patrol to show up, with Kye in the lead, stopping

just in front of us, with his group of the night patrol.

"Hello, Kye, we found a group that is of your guise's interest," I said, motioning to the kids. He followed to where I motioned, and seeing the kids he looked back to me and Zashi.

"Quirked?" He asked.

"No, no quirks at all," I said honestly.

He nodded. "We will bring them back and wake up Shio to tell him."

I nodded. "That makes sense; oh and their names are Quinn, Nina, Amori, Opal, and Luna," I said, pointing out who was who to him.

"I thank you; we will take them to the others now; you go home," Kye said, as a few of the night patrol went to the kids.

I nodded. "Of course; keep them safe," me and Zashi gave one final wave before turning to leave.

"Goodnight, little listeners!" My husband said as we left. Leaving the kids in the safety of The Valley. We went back home and decided to visit again—in the day—as soon as we are able to see how they are adjusting to The Valley. I know that Shio and all of them will help them as much as they can and will do their best to keep them all safe. I will help in any way that I can, and if it came to it, I would fight alongside them to keep them alive and safe from the commission.

the hidden quirkless Village Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant